3 Ways to Stay Fit After 40

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After 40, things begin to slow down. College years are the stuff of memories. House-hunting is a filed-away chore. Staying in seems a preferable option over going out, especially after a long work week. Like a spinning top that is losing its momentum, the body’s metabolism slows down, too. As it does, it becomes harder to shrink that waistline and maintain a good weight. Here are three great ways to stay fit as a forty-something and continue to feel better for years afterward.

Believe it or not, this is where many fail. Coffee, energy drinks and beer enter the body far more often than plain, clear water. While those other drinks induce an immediate if temporary effect that stimulates or relaxes the user, water is what keeps the body going longer. Water is necessary for natural processes like deep cell hydration, mineral balance, clear thinking and fatigue deterrence. A squirt of natural lime gives water a little flavor, and nothing refreshes in the warm months like a cold bottle of water from the fridge.

Forty-somethings, especially those with any kind of desk job in IT, law, tech support or accounting, fall into a sedentary lifestyle quite easily. Studies already show that people who spend more time sitting may die sooner than people who are active. So get moving! Lululemon founder Chip Wilson makes a point to sweat once a day for enhanced wellbeing and encourages others to do the same. Long walks in the morning and evening are beneficial. Take a stroll around the park or neighborhood. Select a parking space at the store that is further from the entrance or start a walking group. Motion is the key.

Here’s the big one. When the body sleeps, growth hormones kick in. Cutting back on sleep curbs this process. It also yields other negative effects like lethargy, inattentiveness, poor work performance and even weight gain. Chip Wilson, as a father and entrepreneur, knows the meaning of sleep deprivation. But whether you’re a successful business person or just an ordinary parent, nobody feels good after only getting four or five hours of sleep

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