4 Things You Should Teach Your Children About The World

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Being a mom is a big responsibility, you have these little human beings to look after 24/7, that rely on you to teach them about the world. It’s very obvious that you need to start to teach them how to read and write, or to add and subtract. But we should also be teaching our children about the wider world as they grow up. Here are a few things that you should remember to teach your kids about the world.

  1. Recycling

Get your kids in good habits from the beginning and talk to them about recycling. Explain to them why you separate plastics from general waste, and what importance it has. Teach them to be careful of wasting paper, and let them know we do this so we don’t have to chop so many trees down. There’s no need to scare them! But you can make them aware that by recycling and being careful of our waste, we are keeping the earth happy and healthy, ready for their future!


  1. Staying Healthy

Teaching children how to stay healthy should definitely begin to be taught in the home, as well as at school. Tell your children what foods are healthier to eat, and praise them for choosing those over the more tempting foods like crisps! Help them out by making foods like fruit more fun. You could arrange a fruit salad into a happy face on their plate! Also teach them why playing sports in the garden is a better choice than sitting on Xbox. If you can get your children into good habits from the beginning, they are much more likely to live a healthy lifestyle as they grow up!


  1. Other Cultures

It’s important to talk to your children about other cultures and religions, so they are aware of the rest of the world. This way it isn’t as daunting for them when they come in contact with someone different to themselves. Teach them the differences between Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and so on, and try to explain why we are all different. Let them know that other people might believe different things to them. Try and let them know a few cultural differences between people, so they can grow up aware that we are all individuals. Making the world a more exciting and interesting place.


  1. Animal Welfare

It might be a good idea to introduce you kids to animals, even if you don’t have any in your own home, so they aren’t scared of them as they grow up. If your friend has a cat that you know is friendly, take them to go and visit it. Or, have a day out to a petting zoo! This will be a lot of fun for your children, but make sure to tell them that we have to look after the animals and protect them, not harm or scare them.

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Children are learning all the time. But make sure to try and teach them about a few of these things too, so they are more aware of the world around them as they grow up. A lot of adults don’t understand these things properly, so make sure your kids do, so they grow up knowing of the importances around them.

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  1. Four wonderful points to be sure to teach our children about. I have done so with all of mine.

  2. Annalisa L says

    I think this a profound post that every parent should read and take to heart

  3. My kids were hyper aware of animal welfare. We live on a small hobby farm, so they grew up with animals. I think that helped them learn so many things. How to treat each other, even those that are mean (roosters). How to share toys, even with the slobbery dog etc. Great tips. I guess there are many more things that could be on this list, but a good list and discussion points.

  4. I believe these are all important!

  5. I agree every child should know these things. Thanks for posting!

  6. Kimberly Frazee says

    I love how you read things on the information highway here and get reminded when reading posts like this that there is a Wonderful world out there just waiting to be hugged with our help. I love this post and what it stands for. The children are our hope for the future and it scares me that points like this to show children there is good everywhere if ya look for it and you can make a difference. Wahoo for this Post!!!


  1. […] everywhere there is a chance to learn. As a parent, you need to choose the things to teach them. These four things should be part of the teachings, but there is much more to teach […]

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