Four Tips for Staying Healthy and Active with a New Baby

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When you’re dealing with the stress of caring for a new baby, it’s easy for things like exercise and healthy eating to fall to the bottom of your priority list.

While it can be hard to make time for these things as a new parent, they’re essential, not just for your health, but for your child’s health, too. Studies show that parents who exercise and eat healthy food are more likely to have children who do the same.

Not sure how you’re going to stay healthy and fit in exercise after your child is born? Listed below are four tips that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and set a good example while caring for your newborn.

1. Limit Blue Light Exposure

When it comes to your health, sleep should be your number one priority. People who don’t get consistent sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese, and they also face a higher risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and dementia.

Unfortunately, for new parents, sleep is often in short supply. To counteract the negative effects that come with a diminished quantity of sleep, work on improving your sleep quality. That way, when you are able to get a few hours of shut-eye, you’ll actually feel rejuvenated when you wake up.

One of the best things you can do to improve your sleep quality is to minimize blue light exposure after the sun goes down. Blue light from televisions, smartphones, and other devices hinders the body’s production of the hormone melatonin, which is essential for quality sleep.

Try to limit exposure to these devices as soon as it starts to get dark outside. If you can’t totally put them away, invest in a pair of blue-blocking glasses, instead, to minimize their effects.

2. Eat Large Meals Full of Healthy Fats

When you have a new baby, it’s easy to get wrapped up in feeding, burping, and changing them and, before you know, you’ve gone 12 hours without eating anything. When you’ve gone so long without eating, it’s tempting to reach for convenient, pre-packaged, highly processed foods like chips that will quickly satisfy your hunger. The problem with these foods, though, is that they’re usually nutrient-poor and won’t keep you full for very long.

When you do have time to sit down and eat, try to consume larger meals that are comprised primarily of healthy fat and protein.

Hard-boiled eggs, avocados, olive and coconut oil, and high-quality meats like grass-fed beef are all good options that will keep you satiated for hours and provide you with long-lasting energy.

3. Walk as Much as Possible

Finding time for exercise can be even more challenging than finding time to prepare healthy food. Especially when your child is too young to go to your gym’s daycare or stay with a babysitter, it’s easy to fall off the exercise wagon.

One of the best forms of exercise for new parents is simply walking. It’s easy to do with a baby — plus, the stroller provides extra resistance and helps you burn more calories — and they’ll probably appreciate getting out of the house, too.

You can also make your walks more intense with movements like squats and walking lunges.

If you have old injuries that make walking and other forms of exercise a challenge, consider investing in a brace that provides good knee support or ankle support. Over time, you may find that walking actually helps you heal your injury.

4. Make Healthy Eating Convenient

It sounds great in theory to eat large, nutrient-dense meals. But, these foods aren’t always the most convenient option.

To make sure you always have a healthy meal available, meal prepping some food at the beginning of the week can be a lifesaver. Even if you just prep a few snacks and some easy-to-grab proteins, you’ll be ahead of the curve and will always have something nutritious on hand.

It can also be challenging to get to the grocery store when you have a newborn. Paying a few extra dollars to have your groceries delivered can help you make sure your fridge and pantry are always stocked with healthy food.

Final Thoughts

Staying healthy with a newborn can be challenging, but it’s totally possible, especially if you keep these four tips in mind. Remember, too, that exercising and eating healthy foods will allow you to show up better for your baby — prioritizing your health is not selfish!

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