7 Ways To Lessen The Effects of ADHD

ADHD, also called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a medical condition characterized by a lack of focus and a tendency toward hyperactivity. ADHD is often referred to as a brain disorder treatable with medication and cognitive therapy. This article will focus on ways to make ADHD more manageable.  Signs of ADHD Some common signs of ADHD are as follows: Difficulty finishing tasksProcrastinationMoving from one incomplete task to anotherDisorganizationMaking careless … [Read more...]

How to Prevent Misdiagnosis of ADHD in Children

When you see a child bouncing off the walls when he's supposed to be learning, what do you think? If you're like most people, some doctors included, you jump straight to ADHD. And unfortunately, that's how so many kids get misdiagnosed with ADHD when they actually have another underlying disorder. Symptoms of ADHD Symptoms of ADHD are largely behavioral. In order to receive a diagnosis, children need to exhibit at least 6 out of 9 symptoms in at least two settings for six months or … [Read more...]