What Are The Best Pets For Your Child?

Being a pet owner is an incredibly rewarding experience for the child. It allows learning many valuable life lessons and teaches responsibility. With the proper adult guidance coming from the parent, children learn dependability. Also, there are pets that offer a lot of affection and can establish incredible bonds with children.  The problem is you cannot simply go to a pet store and choose the first pet the child likes. You need to be smart about it and make the right choice. This is … [Read more...]

Complete Bird Care Guide

For pet parents, every pet is precious. From dogs and cats to birds, we adore all these pets! If you're on the fence about getting a pet bird, and how to care for them, you've arrived at the right place. Bird pets have different needs and as a pet parent, you need to be aware of how you can take proper care of your little birdie! Birdwatching is fun but make sure your birdie is being well taken care of! Overall Care of Birds  Although pet care is not simple pet birds require … [Read more...]

A Guide To The Types of Seeds You Can Feed Birds On

When it comes to the variety birds can have in their diets, birds are quite lucky. In the wild they can eat seeds, nuts, grasses, flowers, fruits, insects and more. However, these aren't naturally as easy to come by as you think and any little help they can get from us is a bonus. The first step to helping the birds is making sure you have a garden full of nature, but after that you can put out seed to attract even more wildlife to your garden. There's a huge range of seeds that you can put … [Read more...]