Boosting Body Confidence After Baby

Among women of all ages, body image confidence is currently at an all-time low, with 56 percent of women stating they are dissatisfied with their bodies. This statistic also includes women who are either pregnant or postpartum as studies show that after giving birth, most women experience insecurities around their new bodies. The female body is remarkable in many ways�one of which is it's capability to create and sustain life and deliver babies. However, the rapid changes that occur to th … [Read more...]

Ultimate Guide To Dressing For Your Body Shape

Women around the world have two problems: "I have nothing to wear" and "My wardrobe is too small." Indeed, it's frustrating to see so many shirts, pairs of jeans and dresses in your closet but not being able to choose what to wear to work or for a date. For some women, shopping can also turn into a nightmare. Spending hours in the shopping mall or shopping on a site like Bellelilly, but coming back empty-handed cannot make anyone happy. However, dressing well is essential for every girl; … [Read more...]