How to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer

Before you know it, October has rolled around again. Whilst many of you are thinking about Halloween and what you are going to dress up as others will be focusing on something that is at the other end of the spectrum. You see, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During this month, many charities and individuals dedicated to the cause will do their part to help raise as much awareness as possible.  The Card Network supports the NBCF, thus helping many women around the world to learn … [Read more...]

How to Raise Money for Charity: 9 Tips for Success

Charity activities are a common way to raise money. Although they can be a tremendous source of revenue for companies and non-profit organizations, they can also be time-consuming and costly. Charity activities require meticulous preparation to be effective. Although most fundraiser efforts are unique, there are some general best practices that you can apply to all forms of campaigns to increase your chances of success. With that being said, here are 9 few tips that you should remember when … [Read more...]

Different Ways To Raise Money For Your Nonprofit Organization

Giving to charity is a rewarding experience, but organizing an event or fundraiser is hard work. Yet, hundreds of dedicated individuals set out to collect money for their favorite charities every year in whatever way they can. For them, it's not about the inconvenience of all the administration and planning. It's about the smiles on the beneficiaries faces when they are helped. Here are some of the best ways to raise money for your chosen nonprofit or charity that have proven to be … [Read more...]