3 Potential Dangers To Look Out for When Working in a Restaurant Kitchen

From construction workers to firefighters to electricians, plenty of jobs come with inherent risks for injury. Unfortunately, restaurant kitchens' often chaotic and high-stress environment also presents several challenges and potential dangers to employees. With hazards such as sharp objects, wet floors, hot food, open flame cooking equipment, and the fast-paced workflow, kitchens can often be a perfect storm for injuries. As a result, both restaurant industry veterans and the inexperienced … [Read more...]

What Makes a Good Chef?

Many people think that just because they can cook, they have what it takes to become a good chef. But being a chef, a good one for that matter, means having certain characteristics that the everyday cook does not have. If becoming a good chef is your goal, keep on reading to find out what these characteristics are. Passion for Cooking If cooking is your passion, then you are on the right track. A good chef is one that gets excited about making the best dish that will surely please the taste … [Read more...]