Am I Drinking Too Much? This Is How to Tell

Did you know around 80% of American adults will drink alcohol during their lifetime?  Has the thought "am I drinking too much" ever crossed your mind? Binge drinking is defined as consuming more than five drinks in one day.  In this article, we'll look at a few signs that your drinking has become a problem. It may be time to curtail your drinking with the help of a professional. 1. You're Regularly Hungover If you wake up with a pounding headache, muscle fatigue, … [Read more...]

Top 4 Ways To Avoid Drunk Driving

Imagine yourself involved in a treacherous vehicle crash due to drunk driving! This can cause serious injuries, which could lead to disabilities. A high amount of alcohol in the blood can significantly impair your senses, thus affect your decision-making abilities. It is considered unsafe to drive with even .08% Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) as you are putting yours and the life of others at risk. Even a BAC of 0.04% largely influences your ability to think coherently and concentrate … [Read more...]

How to Avoid Becoming an Impaired Driver Statistic

No matter how diligent you are on the road, you can't predict or control other drivers. One of the biggest threats to the safety of you and your family is Drunk Driving. Despite harsher penalties and strides in education, car accidents involving impaired drivers cost an estimated $44 billion dollars per yer and will affect 2 out of 3 people at some point in their lifetime. With those kind of numbers, prevention seems to be the best weapon against becoming a statistic. The advice from a … [Read more...]