Effective Home Remedies You Can Try For Body Pain

Body pain can happen due to numerous reasons and be a menace at times. For example, you may have it due to bad posture, you may have it due to an accident, or you may have it due to seasonal change. The varying degrees of pain could leave you incapacitated, or you could manage the pain.  The most common way of dealing with pain is through painkillers. However, there comes the point where you can't use painkillers since it starts taking a toll on your body. Besides, who wants to spend the … [Read more...]

The Amazing Benefits of Homemade Ginger Turmeric Tea

As more research shines light on ancient roots, herbs and spices,  the more we are impressed with the benefits and therapeutic properties of some everyday Asian or Indian vegetarian herbs. Ginger Ginger is a delicious spice, but it is also incredibly healthy. Loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds, it has many benefits for the brain and the body. For instance, ginger has �gingerol' a substance that has powerful medicinal properties that make ginger anti-tumor an … [Read more...]