How To Take Advantage Of Hormones For Better Health

Everyone knows how crucial hormonal levels are to our health. We always joke about it whenever women have chocolate cravings or cry for no obvious reasons while experiencing PMS. We also know that sex hormones are responsible for giving men and women their distinguishable characteristics. However, unless you're a medical student or you've been paying attention in your biology class, most of us aren't aware of the various other hormones in our bloodstreams. As it turns out, our hormones play a … [Read more...]

3 Tips to Balance Your Hormones

Being a female is hard enough without all the fluctuations of our hormones. It seems with every change and year of growth, we experience an influx or decline in our female hormone levels. For some it's even deeper than that, with unpredictable cycles it's hard for women to balance their hormones so that they can conceive a baby. Perhaps you've gone through IVF treatments or experienced infertility issues and now you're trying to figure out how to balance your hormones. Whatever you're … [Read more...]