Is My Child A Candidate for Invisalign?

What Is Invisalign Invisalign is a fairly new procedure for orthodontics that uses an almost invisible material. It is called SmartTrack. The plastic tray fits snugly around the teeth that need to be moved. Over time aligns the teeth to a healthier position. It fits the entire top or bottom arch such as a sports mouth protector would. The trays are custom made to fit each mouth from plaster casts. It takes about six months for results to be accomplished for minor tooth movement. Major … [Read more...]

An Alternative to Braces: Get Your Child’s Teeth off to a Good Start

Does your child need their teeth straightened? Find out if invisalign is a good alternative to braces and when you child can get an invisalign retainer. Are you interested in finding an alternative to braces for your child? With advancements in orthodontics, there are more options that may be better for your little one, like Invisalign. When they are babies, make sure to get the best teething necklace available. If you want to find out more about this option, keep reading our guide … [Read more...]

Invisalign Versus Braces: Which is Better?

Did you know that nearly 25% of American adults live with untreated tooth decay and about 50% of them present signs of gum disease? Oral health problems are prevalent all over the world and some of the most common issues include misaligned teeth as well. Luckily, it's possible to treat misaligned or crooked teeth by wearing braces. At Modern Orthodontics, we understand the importance of getting braces, and make sure your smile will be handled with the upmost care. However, there's an ongoing … [Read more...]

More Information About The Process Of Invisalign Dental Treatment

Invisalign is not a decision to be taken lightly as it will impact your finances as well as the quality of life. Therefore, naturally, you must choose an orthodontist that can be trusted, and that has the appropriate experience with Invisalign. Selecting a dentist based on price, location, and how comfortable you feel with them is essential, that's why it is recommended to meet with various dentists before deciding on your preferred choice. You can also ask your family dentist for a … [Read more...]