Why You Should Think About Writing a Will Before You Pass Away

Death is something that happens to everyone while it is often not a subject that many people enjoy talking about. However, it is also important to understand that if you are getting older, then you should be aware to create a last will and testament which will allow you to decide what will happen to your estate after you pass away. Furthermore, it is also important to note that many people do not have a will, while if you are thinking about writing a will before you pass away, then you should be … [Read more...]

What Is Probate? Can You Avoid It? Things You Should Know About Probate Law

When a person dies, the assets are transferred to their rightful heirs. To properly distribute the inheritance to the designated beneficiaries, the deceased's last will and testament has to be proven valid and legal. What Is Probate? Probate is the legal process of certifying a deceased person's will, in case there is one. If a will does not exist, the estate will still undergo probate to settle any remaining taxes, bills and distribute it. While probate law varies by state, in … [Read more...]

Importance Of Making A Simple Will To Secure Your Loved Ones Future

Most people don't give adequate priority to the preparation of a will. In truth, a will can offer real benefits to the individual and his family. Preparing a will enables you to think about the welfare of your family. A will spells out how your assets and wealth should be distributed after your demise.  Most people are reluctant about making a will because they get scared thinking about death. But like life insurance, a will helps you provide for your loved ones in the event of your … [Read more...]

7 Credible Causes Why Your Family Can Contest a Will

Having a will is one of the best ways to ensure that your wishes are followed after you pass away. Unfortunately, families and friends aren't always happy with the content of those documents - especially when they don't get what they want. In most cases, the worst thing that happens will be hurt feelings. In others, though, people may have credible reasons to challenge your will. The following reasons are, according to Brisbane Wills CNG Law, among the more credible reasons why family members … [Read more...]