What To Consider When Planning For Your Final Days

No one wants to think about the end of their life, but we have to if we're going to go out with all of our ducks in a row. All of our responsibilities to those who continue on after us will need more than the comfort of stardust and its promise of infinite connection. Some of us have the faith that we will see our loved ones again someday, and some of us don't. In both cases, we have a responsibility here on Earth to take care of our affairs before we pass. Today we bravely embrace the … [Read more...]

4 Essential Estate Planning Tips Everyone Should Know About

If you previously thought of estate planning as something that's reserved only for the wealthy, you're wrong. Today, estate planning is a very important process for anyone to go through, especially when you've acquired a number of assets in your lifetime.  Estate planning is the process of making a written document (usually a will) that details what you want for your estate and how you intend to pass on the ownership of assets to your children, beneficiaries, or heirs. This is often done … [Read more...]

Importance Of Making A Simple Will To Secure Your Loved Ones Future

Most people don't give adequate priority to the preparation of a will. In truth, a will can offer real benefits to the individual and his family. Preparing a will enables you to think about the welfare of your family. A will spells out how your assets and wealth should be distributed after your demise.  Most people are reluctant about making a will because they get scared thinking about death. But like life insurance, a will helps you provide for your loved ones in the event of your … [Read more...]

Responsibilities of an Executor in a Probate Process

Being named the executor in a will, or being appointed an executor by the court is a role full of responsibility. It's difficult to share in the grieving process when you're worried about all of the responsibility you may have on your hands. If you or someone you love has been named an executor, you may be asking yourself, what is their role during the probate process? Filing a Petition  The first initial part of the probate process as an executor is filing all of the paperwork … [Read more...]