How Online Learning Prepares Your Kid for Workplace Success

If you have high school-aged kids, chances are you've asked yourself: what comes next? Will your kid go to university or college? Will they get a job after high school? Or will they follow another vocation, like volunteering or homemaking?  Whatever their immediate next steps are, chances are they will join the workplace eventually. Therefore, it's vital that you make sure they learn the skills and habits necessary to succeed. In this post, let's discuss how online learning � o … [Read more...]

Using Online Learning to Further Your Education

Today's job market has never been more competitive. People of all ages are competing for the same jobs so it is important to make your resume stand out. Individuals with gaps in their work experience particularly need to compensate for these gaps in order to compete with other applicants that have a work history. The very best asset for all job-seekers is to hone skills by furthering their education. In this modern age where technology is king anyone can continue their education online, on their … [Read more...]