Everything You Should Know About Cervical Pillows

Nothing in the world feels better than laying your neck on a soft pillow after a long day of hard work. Nevertheless, do the ones you own now fit the best for your body? It might not be true if you have neck pain or a stiff neck. You will sleep improved and wake up feeling better using a neck pillow. These neck pillows are also known as cervical pillow online because it refers to the cervical spine where your backbone joins your head.  The research concludes that pillows with remarkable … [Read more...]

Dream Frenz – Fun Pillows For Kids #OMHoliday16

One of my daughter's favorite things is fun pillows. That's why I am excited for her to unwrap the fun Dream Frenz pillows this Christmas season! Dream Frenz is from the imagination of a young girl who was the oldest of three sisters. She liked to draw characters with big round heads and tiny bodies. One of her first original sketches, of a pirate, can be seen on this page. Her middle sister, who had taken sewing lessons, sewed the original Dream Frenz prototype. The youngest sister got in on … [Read more...]