Support Persons During Birth: 3 Updates For Expecting Mothers

Going into labor can be an overwhelming experience, especially for first-time mothers. Because of this, it's important for pregnant women to have someone beside them during childbirth, a support person to help them through the experience. The role of a support person is crucial, as they are needed at a time when the expecting mother needs the physical presence and moral encouragement of someone she trusts. Throughout pregnancy, women may go through significant stress and challenges to their … [Read more...]

In a Baby Bump Slump? Here Are 7 Secrets to a Pain-Free Pregnancy

Most mothers look back on their pregnancy and only remember the pure bliss they felt when finally meeting their bundle of joy. However, the journey to motherhood is not without its bumps and turns. Unforeseen health complications or sudden changes in the baby's development are surprisingly common.  Mothers themselves experience varying degrees of pain or discomfort throughout their pregnancy. For some, the last three months are the hardest to get through. In comparison, other women … [Read more...]

How to Deal with a Teen Pregnancy in the Family

For many families, the idea of dealing with teen pregnancy is almost unthinkable. If you're parents and you have a young daughter, you might want to think that she'll only become sexually active once she is an adult. However, teen hormones often run wild, and sexual encounters occur, even among teens who you might feel would never do something like that. If you have a teen daughter who becomes pregnant, that can impact the whole family. Let's talk about dealing with this situation, which is … [Read more...]

Overcoming Anxiety Caused By Birth Defects And Injury

While pregnant women are understandably concerned about their baby's welfare, worrying too much about common defects can actually be harmful. Only around 3% of babies are affected by birth defects, and the issues are often minor and easily treatable. The risks of problems at birth are low, especially if moms-to-be take steps to stay healthy and relaxed during pregnancy. Birth injuries are less predictable, as they are generally caused by medical error during the birth. However, in the … [Read more...]

Choosing The Right Obstetrician For Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important journeys you take during your life. It is a life-altering milestone that is filled with joy, anxiety, hope and nervousness. While the emotional ordeal of pregnancy lasts from preconception to the time you hold your newborn, there is another set of concerns that you have at this time that require utmost and urgent attention.  Pregnancy is not carried on and celebrated in solitude. It is not a single family's affair. It is rather a more social event … [Read more...]

How Moms with Birth Trauma Can Thrive

Trauma can come in all shapes and sizes, and that means that you might find yourself having a variety of experiences that color your life, including your birth experience. While many people look at birth as an experience that should be blissful and magical, other standards might have you go into childbirth expecting trauma. No matter what standards you might feel like you need to lean on, trauma can make a big impact on your life, and you deserve to process and heal however works best for … [Read more...]

Myth vs Fact: Pregnancy Edition

When you announce that you are expecting, everyone has an opinion and advice  �  usually given with good intentions. However, there are many myths spread around from mom to mom about being pregnant.  Some old wives' tales do work out for people. But many times it just turns out to be a coincidence. It is important to debunk myths with researched facts to make sure you aren't misled. Not only does it help slow the spread of myths but it also protects you from potentially harmfu … [Read more...]

Relationship Between Pregnancy and The Unregulated CBD Market

It is certainly a problem when there are unregulated CBD products circulating in the market. As for myself, I like to buy weed gummies from this site: They just offer one of the best prices and quality that I have found in Canada.  Unregulated sales pretty much happen in every substance that has a black market. There will always be people trying to take advantage and sell under the radar. With the legalization of cannabis … [Read more...]