What Is Probate? Can You Avoid It? Things You Should Know About Probate Law

When a person dies, the assets are transferred to their rightful heirs. To properly distribute the inheritance to the designated beneficiaries, the deceased's last will and testament has to be proven valid and legal. What Is Probate? Probate is the legal process of certifying a deceased person's will, in case there is one. If a will does not exist, the estate will still undergo probate to settle any remaining taxes, bills and distribute it. While probate law varies by state, in … [Read more...]

Responsibilities of an Executor in a Probate Process

Being named the executor in a will, or being appointed an executor by the court is a role full of responsibility. It's difficult to share in the grieving process when you're worried about all of the responsibility you may have on your hands. If you or someone you love has been named an executor, you may be asking yourself, what is their role during the probate process? Filing a Petition  The first initial part of the probate process as an executor is filing all of the paperwork … [Read more...]