When Your Son Should Start a Skincare Routine

As parents, it's our job to teach our sons the fundamentals of life, from how to change a flat tire to how to pay bills on time. But one aspect of parenting boys that's often overlooked is skin care. Just like we need to emphasize good daily hygiene and cleanliness, we too need to emphasize taking care of our skin. Arming your son with the right skincare products and knowledge will help ensure that he settles into adulthood with the self-confidence needed to conquer the world! Source: New … [Read more...]

What To Do About Your Teen’s Acne

Most teens struggle with acne at a given point during puberty. It's best to be prepared for this moment and know how to handle the situation responsibly. During the teenage period, your child will experience all sorts of changes that can affect them both physically and mentally. Even though acne is a common problem, you shouldn't treat the subject as if it isn't serious. The sooner you seek out skin helpers & acne advice, the easier you can cure them. Acne can lead to low self-esteem, and … [Read more...]