Your Ultimate Guide To The Dental Implant Procedure

There are several reasons why you may need to go through dental implant procedure. You can lose a tooth from decay due to bad oral hygiene or you may have an infection or genetic condition that causes you to lose your teeth. Equally, trauma, such as a sports injury or car accident can knock teeth out and leave you with a gap. While you can live with the gap between your teeth, it may knock your confidence and the other teeth will slowly move to cover the gap, potentially weakening … [Read more...]

Why Visit The Dentist To Prevent Tooth Decay?

Children, teens, and adults can face the problem of tooth decay. It can make your hard, outer layer of the teeth weak and damaged. The condition occurs due to the formation of the plaque on the surface. Plaque is a kind of bacterial film that builds up on your teeth and releases acid every time you eat or drink sugary content. Since these bacterial films tend to be sticky, they can stay there on your teeth for a long time and eventually damage the enamel with cavities. Although children … [Read more...]