Turmeric Remedy For Menstrual Cramps, Stomach Pain

Menstrual cramps can be truly painful for us. During our period, the uterus seizes up. The vast majority of women get cramps during their periods sooner or later in their lives. It generally feels like throbbing pain cycles in our lower stomach. Menstrual Cramps can begin two or three days before your period comes. Cramps can continue over the complete course of our periods. Menstrual Cramps normally occur during the initial days of your period, when your flow is the heaviest.  We can … [Read more...]

15 Healthy Turmeric Recipes

Turmeric is a powerhouse spice that is known for its multiple health benefits. Adding turmeric to your food will help you partake in this amazing spice. Turmeric is known for its heart-healthy properties as well as its anti-inflammatory benefits. It also helps stabilize cholesterol, aids in weight loss, as well as being a digestive aid. Here are 15 ways to incorporate turmeric into your cooking. … [Read more...]

How To Use Turmeric Daily For Health Benefits

A spice that is known for its multiple health benefits, turmeric, is a brightly colored orange spice is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which helps maintain healthy inflammation responses. Turmeric is also heart-healthy and encourages healthy cholesterol levels. In addition, turmeric boosts stress tolerance and supports weight loss. It's also considered a digestive aid. You can take this spice as a supplement, but adding it to … [Read more...]