6 Ways To Be More Productive When You Study at Home

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According to many people who choose this option, studying at home can be great. They can wake up at a reasonable time, make some breakfast, and study comfortably in a low-pressure environment. With so many distractions, however, it can be difficult to concentrate and stay productive. You can easily find yourself procrastinating, and when you do get started, many things can sidetrack you.

Instead of studying, you might choose to take a nap, watch TV, visit a friend, browse through social media, or do something else that will prevent you from getting things done. You can take LEED CE Courses online, but preparing well for them is your responsibility. Fortunately, there are ways to be more productive when you study at home. Study experts from Thesishelpers.com prepared some of the tips for studying effectively at home include:

  1. Active Studying

To accomplish your goal of active studying, you simply need to consider a few factors before your study session, during, and after you finish studying for the day. 

Before you start studying, you need to consider the following:

  • What you already know about the subject you are about to tackle
  • What you are about to learn

Factors to consider during the study session include:

  • Whether you really understood what you just read
  • How the information fits into the larger subject matter
  • Whether you can rephrase the information
  • The most important ideas and words that you need to note and why they are important

Things to think about after the study session include:

  • When you should take away from your study time
  • What you need to learn or review during your next session

These factors will give you direction, in addition to keeping you on track and helping you find ways to make your next session more productive.

  1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

If you want to avoid taking naps in the middle of your study sessions, you need to sleep well every night to wake up refreshed and alert. You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep each day, which will help your brain to process all the information you will learn throughout the day. Sometimes, you will feel the urge to stay up late to revise; however, you will be more productive when you get adequate rest, especially on the night before an exam. 

  1. Go to your Happy Place

One of the benefits of studying at home is that you do not need to do it in a specific room, such as your bedroom. If you feel like studying in other places, such as your backyard, living room, or even a quiet caf or park, you are free to do so. You will find it easier to focus if you feel happy, comfortable, and relaxed, which will improve your productivity.

  1. Choose the Right Time to Study

Like everyone else, you have your own daily lows and highs. If you are a night owl, you should consider studying at night and sleeping during the day. If you are a morning person, however, wake up early and study. Essentially, you need to study at the time of day when you feel most productive and alert. Forcing yourself to study when your mind is not alert will be counterproductive.

  1. Plan your Breaks Wisely

The best time to take a break is between 10 a.m. and noon, which is a great time to take your caffeine drink, and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Cortisol helps you wake up in the morning; however, taking caffeine early in the morning will affect cortisol production, which will lead to your dependence on caffeine to wake up.

  1. Do not Hibernate in your Study Cave

Studying at home does not mean that you need to shut yourself off from your family and friends. Even introverts need some social time. Consider taking your lunch to the park or spending a couple of hours each day doing something different from other people.

There are many advantages to studying or taking an online course at home. For starters, students who choose to do this can save a significant amount of money and have a part-time job. In addition, they have many options in terms of what they can study. As long as you have some free time, a computer, and internet access, there is no reason why you cannot study at home.

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  1. Study at home is something that many parents think is not a very productive way of learning for a child but thank you Courtney, for changing that perspective into a positive one through this very informative article I should say. Being a mom myself, I can very well make use of all the tips you have provided to make home studying more productive with my children too. Thank you.

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