What Does Being a Godparent Mean?

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In almost every Christianity denomination, a Godparent is an individual who steps in to help in ensuring the child’s spiritual well-being is conducted. Traditionally, Christian parents will choose one Godmother and one Godfather to sponsor the baptism of the kid and proceed in guiding the kid spiritually in his or her entire life. In most cases, they are designated as guardians for the kid if they lose their parents, even though this is not always the scenario.

Responsibilities of a Godparent

Here are the general responsibilities of a Godparent since the roles will differ based on the parents and the religion of the kid.

  • Establish a spiritual relationship with the kid
  • Be accountable for the kid’s religious learning
  • Sponsoring the kid’s baptism
  • Take up the role of the parent of the child is left an orphan
  • Offering a reliable source for the kid when there is a need for solace or guidance
  • Be a constant giver of advice for the kid
  • Pray consistently for the kid and his or her spiritual well being

If you intend to baptize or Sanctify your kid, the Godparent must be involved in the ceremony. Consult with your pastor, priest, minister or spiritual leader to know some specific roles for your faith. A Godparent will also gift your kids with First communion dresses from time to time.

Source: pixabay.com

Finding the right Godparent

For you to make sure that you have made the right choice when selecting a Godparent, you need to look at the following aspects.

  • The person’s opinion on religion, spirituality, and morality must be the same as yours. If they are not similar, find out if they will respect and accept the spirit of your opinions and morals.
  • Make sure the person is ready and willing to help you in your role as a faithful parent
  • Find out if they have the desire and time to establish a relationship with your kid and see them almost every time
  • Ensure the potential Godparent has a great interest in the well-being of your kid


The role once accepted

Being a Godmother or Godfather is a lovely life-affirming concept. While there is no clear definition of a modern Godparent, their duty is to assume an active interest in the lives of the kids, provide advice and give pats on the backs and cheering from the sidelines. The current Godparenting is like providing an extra ear, another safe haven to go and a refuge so to speak. Parents strive to provide the best for their children, but it is not always that it will go as planned. Parents can make wrong conclusions, shriek when they are supposed to be calm and talk things they didn’t mean. Therefore, when one of the children gets out of the house with a loud bang on the door, it is good to believe that it may be their grandparents they will run to.

What it means to the Godparent

The most thrilling part of taking the role of a Godparent is the concept of what is coming in the future. Whenever there are important events in the child’s life, a great Godparent must be there for the kids. This is what God parenting is all about.

The practicalities of being a Godparent

While it is extremely flattering to be offered the chance to be a Godparent, some feasibilities are expected of you. Being a Godfather or Godmother is an honor that comes with numerous responsibilities. Here are some of the things to keep in mind:

Don’t forget significant dates like birthday and Christmas and make sure you get the prize such as Fast communion dresses to celebrate their day.

  • Visit them frequently and find ways of talking to them regularly if you are far away
  • When they grow up, send them frequent messages and emails and encourage them to call you independently
  • Know what you buy for them since a kid will prefer to be gifted, regular cheap, thoughtful goodies instead of the once occasional costly present
  • Remember that your presence has more influence on the kids than currents. Ensure that you spend more time with your Godchildren to become more popular
  • Ensure you attend on huge events like school plays, sports finals, first holy communion among others
  • Spend more time with the kids alone to establish the rapport between you and them
  • Talk to them as your equal so that you get a chance to be their first grown-up buddy

Is a Godparent also a Guardian?

A guardian is an individual who is legally allowed to take care of a person and property interest of another individual like a kid. Bear in mind that Godparents might not be the guardian for your kids when anything happens. A guardian is lawfully assigned to your kids through a will and legal paperwork. Even though you might want your Godparent to be the legitimate guardian to the young ones in case you die, you must document your desire by following the appropriate legal protocol.

When to find a Godparent

Subject to your religion, you might or might not need your kid’s Godparents to get involved in the baptism of the child. In that case, you will need to choose the Godparents for your kids before the baptism ceremony. This can be early based on your religion. If time is on your side, it will be important to wait and find out who will volunteer and seems genuinely interested in taking the huge role in your kid’s life. You might be astonished by individuals who show real commitment to your kid and their well-being.

Source: pixabay.com

Godparents Today

It appears that the duty of Godparent is losing meaning and it is becoming less frequent in the current society. Taking a role of a Godparent is a huge responsibility and a great honor. The significance of the purpose for the Godparent of your kid will be influenced by on the importance you give it. If you accentuate how special the role is to the chosen Godparent and the kid, you will assist offer an extra source of love and support for your child’s life.

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