What Is Cognitive Intelligence and What You Need To Know About It

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In this highly competitive scenario, organizations need to utilize their human resource in an optimal manner the employee shall be placed in the position most suited for them based on their capability and strength this can be ensured primarily at the recruitment stage itself here the role of HR is prime they should frame the recruitment process such that the employees are screened as per their cognitive and emotional intelligence.

Cognitive Intelligence:

Cognitive intelligence is the collection of numerical verbal and spatial capabilities it includes the ability to visualize a problem, memory use deduction perpetual speed and verbal relations emotional intelligence, on the other hand, includes ability to understand emotions of self and accordingly manage one’s  thoughts and response recruiters of an organization shall design the recruitment process such that the cognitive, as well as the emotional intelligence of the candidates, are both screened. Let us discuss the role of cognitive intelligence in the recruitment process and the possible inference which may assist in making decisions

Implementation of cognitive intelligence assessment during recruitment

 The assessment of cognitive intelligence shall focus on key competencies which mean the core brain function fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.

Core brain function involves the use of memory, attention to detail and perpetual speed to gauge the core brain function of the candidates the assessment of concentration memory usage and speed of working on problems linked to visual motor and auditory activities need to be checked.

Fluid intelligence involves spatial, abstract reasoning and creativity. To assess the candidates, their performance on the problems including logical rules shapes and sizes and patterns need to be checked.

Crystallized intelligence encompasses the ability to work ok with numbers of data analysis and decision making. To assess the crystallized intelligence, the candidates, need to be tested with arithmetic, verbal, the psychometric test, data interpretation problems, critical reasoning and decision making situations.

Job classification and defining cognitive framework:

The recruiter shall do a comprehensive study of the job profiles in their organization. This will help them in classifying the job profiles based on the responsibilities to be undertaken in it. Further, the core competencies required by the candidate for the job profile can be fixed. Based on the competencies required, the cognitive framework to hire the best job candidate can be framed.

Job classification: Recruiters need to consolidate the jobs in the organization and the nature of work associated with them. The work associated with the job maybe novel or repetitive, complex or easy and impactful or less impactful. The job classification can be based on three core competencies:

  1. Processing data- It refers to the ability of employees to carry out analytical numerical and critical reasoning.
  2. Generating solutions: It refers to the ability of employed to generate solutions for a problem buy creative or out-of-the-box approach.
  3. Making decisions- It refers to the ability of the employee to provide the way ahead by Rational thinking and well thought of and accurate decisions.

These core competencies have to be referred to in the light of two factors- frequency and level.

  1. a) Frequency- Recruiters need to observe that for how many times a day does any employee require to make use of the above three competencies.
  2. b) Level-Recruiters also need to observe the difficulty level of each task involving the above three core competencies. It will explain whether a candidate needs proficiency in a competency or basic knowledge is sufficient.

Job categories

 Based on the nature of the job and the core competencies required, the job can be classified in basically five job groups. To each job group, a set of cognitive competencies can be attributed. Thus, framing the cognitive framework to hire the best job candidate. Each job group contains jobs of a similar nature and doesn’t require a specific cognitive framework. This kind of model will assist the recruiters to design their recruitment process in an efficient manner. The five types of job groups are mentioned below:

  1. Job group 1: It involves employees performing routine tasks that are fully defined and don’t involve any analytics or a need for decision making. These are more of clerical administrative type jobs. For example, receptionist, back-office work, etc.
  2. Job group 2: This involves jobs requiring analytical abilities and performing the tasks hands-on. For example, a sales executive, customer service, etc.
  3. Job group 3: This involves jobs requiring problem-solving and making decisions. For example, sales managers, accountants, teachers, etc.
  4. Job group 4: This involves job profiles associated with a business head and senior management roles. Employees shall be able to process observe data and make key decisions. For example, venture capitalists, architect, scientist, etc.
  5. Job group 5: This group was employees with high problem-solving capabilities with intelligent decision making. For example, startup founders, stock traders, etc.

 Inferences from cognitive assessment

 A successful cognitive assessment means and effective processing of information available from the cognitive assessment. The assessment can be processed based on the following three parameters.

  1. Means score of assessment: It is the average score of the group giving the same test. A low mean score means a lesser number of candidates were able to score more in the test and vice versa. This tool can be used for benchmarking the organization’s aptitude test.
  2. Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the assessment shall be chosen based on the intelligence required for the job. The difficulty level is inversely proportional to the mean score.
  3. Discrimination: It is the effectiveness of the question in discriminating the candidates who performed well to those who didn’t. If a question was answered by both high and low scoring candidates the question shall not be used for assessment. It is not a benchmarking tool like means score or difficulty butter critical validation tool.


Cognitive intelligence assessment is a scientific approach to employee management. It can be used effectively by the organizations to manage their human resources. The prime requirement is to define the cognitive framework associated with the various job profiles and to design the recruitment process accordingly.

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