Why You Need a Massage (and 10 Ways to Save on One)

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Is the stress and toil of motherhood taking its toll on your body? From long hours sitting in the car transporting kids all over the place to heavy lifting, little time for exercise, and common back pain mistakes, moms experience body wear and tear more than most.

A massage probably sounds like a super relaxing idea right about now. In addition to feeling incredible, a good massage offers loads of health and wellness benefits moms love including:

Stress reduction – not only does a good massage therapist work out the knots and tension in your muscles brought on by stress, but the very act of receiving a massage stimulates the release of feel-good hormones which improve your mood and outlook.

Joint mobilization – if your joints seem to stiffen more and more as the years go by, you’re not alone; natural wear and tear over the years can lead to joint inflammation. Massage helps to loosen and remobilize joints as well as break up scar tissue and combat inflammation.

Blood flow improvement – Kneading, stroking, tapping, and probing the body’s soft tissues helps to increase blood flow to them which in effect flushes out built up waste byproducts and delivers fresh nutrients and oxygens to promote healthy functioning.

Immunity boost – because kids are notoriously germy, moms are often on the first line of contact when it comes to infectious pathogens like colds and flu. Massage that specifically targets lymphatic flow can help improve the body’s ability to filter out the bad germs and strengthen the immune system.

Integrative treatment – massage therapy complements a variety of integrative treatments for conditions like diabetic neuropathy, anxiety, depression, migraines, digestive disorders, and arthritis. It has also been shown to aid pain relief as well as painkillers, positively impacting both physical and psychological aspects of various health conditions.

10 Easy Ways to Save
Although massage sounds like it should be top of the priority list for your own health and sanity, it can be cost-prohibitive. The average cost of an hour-long massage may range from $60 to $100 depending on where you live, and for routine care, the total can quickly add up.

If you’re in the mood for some serious self-care in the form of a massage but are also working within a budget, don’t miss these quick tips for saving money on your next massage:

  1. Book a discounted massage during Spa Week; this biannual event happens in April and October and hundreds of spas and businesses participate across the country.

  2. Check group discount sites for exclusive massage deals near you, i.e. Groupon and LivingSocial.

  3. Look beyond your typical massage studio to chiropractor’s offices, local massage and bodywork schools, and even friends or acquaintances for a good massage.

  4. Skip the massage and try low-voltage electrical therapy with a portable TENS unit at home that lets you safely stimulate the nerves to ease pain and tension in your muscles.

  5. Take advantage of birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays (like Mother’s Day) to ask for a gift certificate to get a massage.

  6. Use a foam roller at home to knead trigger points and massage tight myofascial tissue, especially after a strenuous workout.

  7. Get a massage pillow you can use at home simply by plugging it in and leaning back against it while you relax or watch TV.

  8. Check to see if your health insurance covers any form of alternative or integrative medicine including massage, spinal manipulation, and acupuncture.

  9. Visit a chair massage booth in the mall, airport, or at local fairs and festivals for free and discounted mini massage sessions.

  10. Save up for regular massages by making small changes like swapping your haircut budget one month, making your lunch instead of eating out, foregoing your morning Starbucks, and selling gently used clothes to a local consignment shop.

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  1. […] for a regular massage can help in reducing blood pressure. A good deep tissue massage stimulates the parasympathetic […]

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