How To Know If You Need Sex Addiction Help In Everett

Sex addiction is not easily seen or identified. While the enjoyment of sex is considered to be normal, just how much sex an individual has is hard to place a number on in terms of normalcy. When the mind is addicted to anything, it has the ability to rationalize it and make it seem normal. With that in mind, it is often difficult for individuals to self-diagnose. Below are a couple of signs that one is struggling with a sex addiction. If you are dealing with them, it is important to seek out sex … [Read more...]

Effects Of Drug Addiction In Women VS In Men

The topic of addiction has been highly studied for a long time now. However, until the 90s, these researches were primarily centered on men. Ultimately, our understanding of substance abuse or addiction was somewhat limited till recently.  According to the study conducted by The National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction comes with some key gender differences.  Generally, 11.5 percent of men (over the age of 12) are more likely to abuse alcohol and illegal drugs, while only 6.4 … [Read more...]

Addiction is a Bad Habit

The explanation of addiction as a habit was the dominant explanation in psychology for the understanding of addictions during the first half of the 20th century. A habit is an automatic response that we have to certain stimuli without paying much attention to it. A habit is a wild card that allows us to save the cognitive expense of analyzing some behaviors that we perform on a daily basis. For example, washing hands, showering, eating, waking up or sleeping at certain times. The problem is … [Read more...]

Should You Send Your Teenager Out Of State For Addiction Rehab?

Treatment of addicted teens is very different from that of adult treatment. The process from the diagnosis to long-term recovery differs a lot. The teenage years are overwhelming, and while adolescents explore their identity, it is easy to succumb to substance abuse. Asserting their independence can combine with the massive emotional, physical, and cognitive changes they face, leading them to the wrong path. In light of this, sending them out of state to a rehab treatment center is one option to … [Read more...]

How To Deal With Your Teen’s Addiction To Street Drugs

There are various reasons which make teen get addicted to street drugs, making it a problematic issue. Teenage is a life stage where the individual is still developing vital life skills, likes and dislikes, and identity. In this situation, if they begin to experiment with drugs for trying to fit into a friend's group, they are unknowingly setting themselves to potentially life-threatening habits. Making preventive attempts is a severe challenge. Research reveals that more than 29% of teenagers … [Read more...]

How To Choose The Right Addiction Treatment Facility

Inpatient rehab treatment has proven to be very effective for patients battling addiction. Having access to care and help 24/7 can help those with severe addiction issues overcome withdrawal symptoms, stay on track with their treatment and share their feelings with people that go through the same issues.  If you believe inpatient care may be the best treatment option, it's time to start looking for a facility that meets your needs. Remember that everyone's condition is different, so make … [Read more...]

The Science Behind Addictions

Addiction does not happen overnight, it festers. Recall the last time something made you feel extremely good. It can be something as rudimentary as organizing your workstation, meeting your deadlines with additional time to spare, or even having your favorite dish for dinner. Other less innocent activities may include getting a smoke break or a shopping spree. Or even the recreational use of drugs. If you need more information about drug addictions, be sure to check out … [Read more...]

Here�s How Sober Houses Help You Get Back On Track

After seeking addiction therapy the hardest thing to do is transition back to normal life. Sober houses exist to make this transition smooth and successful. Sober living homes are designed to ease the transition from recovery back to your routine life. They have structured programs to learn a new skill and practical strategies which are bound to improve the quality of your life Here are some of the ways how sober houses help you get back to your healthy lifestyle 1. They Offer … [Read more...]