First Chemo Treatment: 7 Things You Should Know

It can seem like a stressful time as you prepare for chemotherapy, and you may even have fears of not knowing what you need to be doing during your initial treatment. The good thing is that your assigned oncologist will be able to discuss what medications will be used, side effects (if any), as well as the length of time you will be required to be under treatment. Although these tips are important to have, there are many more that are just as important but don't seem to get brought up. … [Read more...]

What to Do If You Lose Your Eyelashes During Chemo

In 2018, over 1.7 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed, with breast, lung, and prostate cancer among the most common types. The idea of losing your hair during chemotherapy can be stressful, but many chemo patients risk losing their eyelashes as well. As an important feature for most people�particularly women�eyelashes frame the eyes and can significantly influence an individual's image and self-esteem. If you're worried about losing your eyelashes during chemotherapy, here … [Read more...]

How To Pick The Right Chemo Care Package

A cancer patient is a fighter in his or her own right. The amount of daily pain and sufferings a person has to go through, right from the diagnosis until full recovery, is unimaginable. As such, you cannot do much to reduce the anguish of your dear one in terms of treatment. But you can contribute your bit by showing some care and thoughtfulness. A little step from your end can infuse new energy and smile in the person's life. Nowadays, some excellent chemo care kits are available in the market. … [Read more...]