What Parents Should Know About Their Teen’s Dental Health

Good dental health is essential for any individual at any given age. We use our teeth every single day and lack or poor dental hygiene can lead to major pain, to serious health complications later on as well as permanent tooth loss. This is why you need to drop by good dentists like those from https://www.alkifamilydental.com/ for regular check-ups. Adolescents who adopt a good dental hygiene routine and take care of their mouth will enjoy healthy teeth as an adult. Parents play a key role in … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Invisalign Brace

Invisalign is an orthodontic technique that uses thermoplastic aligners called aligners (transparent splints) digitally tailored with 3D software called Clincheck. These splints move the teeth gradually thanks to the precise forces that achieve the controlled movement of the teeth. The orthodontic expert is who prescribes the treatment plan after the study is carried out; from there, the models are digitized and the aligners are manufactured. These aligners will be changed every 15 days until … [Read more...]

Dental Implants: How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

Dental implants are required more often than you would think, but how long does a dental implant procedure take? Learn from this dental implant guide. Did you know about 42 percent of Americans don't go to the dentist as often as recommended? Visiting the dentist regularly is the best way to keep your teeth in top shape. However, sometimes things go wrong with our teeth that require dental implants. If you're looking for treatment options, then Dental Implants treatment in Houston, Tx comes … [Read more...]

The Pros and Cons of Snap-On Dentures

Dentures are a great way to restore your smile when the tooth disappears, but sometimes changes in the gums and bones may not be appropriate over time. Snap on dentures are tooth replacement options that may be more stable and reliable than traditional dentures. For natural-looking teeth - and believe there is no awkward slip - these removable teeth can be a great option for you. Types of denture Snap-on denture, also known as implant-assisted dentures or overdentures, can be handled … [Read more...]

What Questions Should I Ask the Dentist Before Getting Treatment?

Are you looking for dental care? Don't go to the first clinic you spot. Learn what to ask the dentist, like Olympic View Dental, to determine if they're the right for you, especially if it's your first time going to a clinic. Keep in mind that 31.6% of Americans aged 20-44 have untreated dental issues. Some people don't address these problems simply because they don't have a dentist they can trust or afford.  Don't feel discouraged yet. This guide will give you the right dentistry … [Read more...]

Do Dental Implants Hurt? Your Guide to Getting Dental Implants

Do you have dentophobia? If you are afraid of the dentist, you are definitely not alone. In fact, up to 15% of people in industrialized countries suffer from a severe fear of visiting the dentist. Fully 3% of them are so paralyzed by that fear that they never go get their teeth checked at all. This is true whether the patient needs something simple like a cleaning or something more extensive, such as dental implants. Do dental implants hurt? Are they worth it? We're going to take a look in … [Read more...]

Are Dental Implants Permanent? The Answer Isn’t What You Think

Dental implants are a lifeline for people living with missing or severely damaged teeth. They look and feel just like natural teeth, and they protect your remaining teeth and jaw from becoming weak or infected. Because dental implants are such a successful dental intervention, they've grown in popularity. The rate at which dentists prescribe them jumped from 0.7% in 1999-2000 to 5.7% in 2015-2016. Although implants are more common today than ever before, there are a few misconceptions … [Read more...]

What Is All On 4 Dental Treatment?

Modern dental implants last much longer. In fact, they can support more weight than natural teeth. Bridges are permanent restorations that are attached to the teeth or gums, supporting the pontic (false) crowns in the areas of missing teeth. When set to all on 4, the All-on-4 toothpaste reaches the gums from one side of your mouth to the other. As a permanent operation, you will never issue it. Also, all four treatments do not cover the roof of your mouth. Dental Installation: Which … [Read more...]