How To Make Your House a Safe Family Home

You might think your home is the safest place for your family, but it's still the location for lots of accidents throughout the year. While some might just result in a broken plate after it's been knocked off the side, some of the more serious incidents could end up in broken bones. Here are some of the ways you can reduce the chances of these accidents happening and be prepared for the rare occasions they do happen. Tip: Make sure to get in touch with a luxury real estate agent if you're … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Ensure Safety While Travelling on a Cruise Ship

After having a long week of stressful and tiresome work, you surely deserve to take a break and unwind. Planning to have a vacation is one thing to get you relaxed, but the question relies on where you will go or what you will do for your planned vacation. Going to the beach or hiking up the mountains could be great, but it would be too dull, especially when you go there all the time.  If you are looking for something new and truly relaxing, you might want to try hopping on a luxurious … [Read more...]

5 Safety Tips for NYE

New Year's Eve is a fun holiday to spend with family, friends and loved ones. Whether you tend to go out and dance the night away or stay home with a cozy cup of tea ready to curl up once midnight hits or you're somewhere in between, New Year's Eve is a holiday where watching out for your safety can be wildly important and can save you in a time of need. The good news is, there are so many ways to keep yourself and those around you safe on New Year's so you can start the next year off on the … [Read more...]

Herbal Pain Relievers You Can Try Instead of Aspirin

Aches and pains affect all of us, especially moms. You can usually find moderate pain relief in the form of over-the-counter medications. Aspirin and Acetaminophen are among the most popular treatments for muscle aches, headaches, backaches, and other sources of pain. Sometimes moms prefer more natural remedies. Moms who are pregnant or breastfeeding may prefer topical applications like creams and ointments to keep Baby healthy and safe. Other moms may want an ingestible. Whatever your needs, … [Read more...]

Children on Board – Advice For Parents Driving With Kids

Driving with your kids can be a wonderful adventure or an experience that can drive you crazy, and there's usually a fine line between the two. Children are unpredictable and a very difficult to please audience, especially when you have a long drive ahead of you or when you're on a road trip. One minute you're all having a great time and the next chaos breaks loose. That's the normal course of events parents expect when they get behind the wheel.   When traveling with children, you … [Read more...]

How Moms Can Use The Internet Responsibly

The modern era of parenting can be somehow tricky in a world where everyone seems to have an opinion on what constitutes 'responsible parenting'. We cannot ignore the role that the internet is playing towards creating a better society. For instance, we can now do shopping at the click of a button, access services from a wider market, and even share ideas in the comfort of our homes. On the other hand, stories of cyberbullies, predators, sexting, and identity theft are issues that worry moms … [Read more...]

How Moms Can Use The Internet Responsibly

The modern era of parenting can be somehow tricky in a world where everyone seems to have an opinion on what constitutes 'responsible parenting'. We cannot ignore the role that the internet is playing towards creating a better society. For instance, we can now do shopping at the click of a button, access services from a wider market, and even share ideas in the comfort of our homes. On the other hand, stories of cyberbullies, predators, sexting, and identity theft are issues that worry moms … [Read more...]

Electrical Safety Tips for Your Home

Electricity is one of the advantages of modern life. We don't notice it until we don't have it. No one stops to appreciate the warm glow from switching on a light on a dark winter's morning or the fresh food stored for days and sometimes even weeks in the fridge. These things have become so common in the modern world, and are taken for granted. Hexo Services understands how important electricity is to keep a home running smoothly.  Pre-purchase Condition Report Before moving in, … [Read more...]