8 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

According to research, at least 50% of women suffer from stretch marks. And there is no getting away from it - such is the physiology. But there are many simple ways to get rid of stretch marks. We have selected the basic methods of dealing with imperfect skin on the body. To begin with, let's say that there is nothing wrong with stretching, and this is certainly not a reason to be sad. But we know that many ladies are upset because of their appearance. The leading causes of stretch marks: … [Read more...]

Causes of Jagged Skin and How to Treat Them

Smooth skin is a very satisfying thing. You've probably ran your fingers across a newly healed surface of skin, like after a tattoo and felt just how completely leveled and supple it feels. We all wish we have skin like that, skin that's perfectly smooth not just to the touch, but also looks that way as well. This is what cosmetic clinics aim to accomplish: give their clients that silky smooth surface that's only possible with modern medical and cosmetic advancements. And nowadays, smooth … [Read more...]

5 Things Everyone With Sensitive Skin Should Do

If you have itchy, dry, and acne-prone skin, you may have what's known as sensitive skin. Having sensitive skin is no picnic. It can seem like everything you apply or are around causes breakouts and irritates your skin. Even though it's a pain you're experiencing, there are things you can do about it. It will take some extra work on your part. But coming up with some methods to care for your skin will be worth it. It's time for you to focus on creating a skin regime that treats and … [Read more...]

The Top 12 Best Foods for Healthy Beautiful Skin

More often than not, any minor issues with your skin can be fixed or at least reduced by simply making some small changes to what you are eating. Our skin is a great indicator of our overall health and well-being, so when your skin is acting up with dryness, sensitivity, oiliness, blemishes or rashes, take this as a hint from your body that something isn't right. Like the rest of your body, your skin is sensitive to what you eat and reacts differently to different dietary choices. These are just … [Read more...]

How to Treat Melasma

One of the most common pigmentation disorders, Melasma is a condition that causes discoloration of the skin. Mainly appearing as brown or gray patches, it is most noticeably found on the face. The most common areas for Melasma to exist include: ForeheadCheeksBridge of noseUpper lip Now, you probably already know this and are here because you're looking for a cure or some form of treatment to this condition. In this article, we'll discuss possible treatment options and ways to reduce the … [Read more...]

Treating Your Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Home

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, inflammatory, debilitating skin disease that affects 1-4% of the general population. HS typically presents after puberty with painful, deep-seated lesions most commonly in areas such as the underarm, under the breast, buttocks, thighs and groin but it can occur almost anywhere on the body. HS lesions can leak exudate which can be very painful and cause a lot of distress for the preson living with the disease.  Natural HS Treatments There … [Read more...]

More About Vitiligo And The Treatments

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that results in areas of skin that lose normal pigmentation. This can happen anywhere on the body where pigmented cells are present, including tissues and hair in the mouth, nose and eyes. The disease is not life-threatening, nor contagious, But the unpigmented skin is sensitive to sunburn and certain areas can be itchy. A more serious concern is vitiligo patients often experience depression over the social stigma they're experiencing and over the way they look. In … [Read more...]

What a Derma Roller Does to Your Skin

Dermarolling, or collagen-induction therapy, is a common term among many beauty circles. If you've had to deal with acne scars and wrinkles, you have probably come across it somewhere. In simple terms, the derma roller treatment is a technique of pricking the skin to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. It is a less-extreme and DIY-friendly form of micro-needling that utilizes a mini wheel fitted with hundreds of tiny needles. Apart from kicking the skin into a self-healing mode, … [Read more...]