Magnetic Herb Drying Clips

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Magnetic Herb Drying Clips by Optimistic MommyDo you love fresh herbs but have no way to dry them? If so, you need to give these magnetic herb drying clips a try. You can make your own, perfect for hanging herbs on right in your own kitchen. You only need a few supplies, and the end result is a great way to enjoy herbs all season long. Here is how you can get started.

Magnetic Herb Drying Clips by Optimistic MommySupplies Needed:

  • Clothespins
  • Ribbon
  • Flower Embellishments
  • Hot Glue, Glue Gun
  • Magnetic Strips


  1. Begin by cutting a length of ribbon to fit the clothespin. Apply and attach with glue.
  2. Add some flare to the end of the clothespin. We used small flowers found in the dollar section of our local craft store.Magnetic Herb Drying Clips by Optimistic Mommy
  3. On the back of the clothespin, add a piece of magnetic strip. Just cut a piece to fit, add a dab of glue, and press until secure.
  4. Take your freshly picked herbs and clamp them inside of the clothespin. Attach the clothespin to your fridge allowing the herbs to hang down.

Your herbs will naturally dry out and preserve over time. When you need them, it is as simple as taking them from the clothespin and crushing them up. Easy peasy!

Magnetic Herb Drying Clips by Optimistic MommyGather your supplies and give these easy magnetic herb drying clips a try! They are a great way to dry out those fresh herbs and always have them when you need them.

DIY Hanging Herb VaseMake sure to check out my DIY Hanging Herb Vases, too!

Sharing is caring!


  1. These are all so pretty! And I have all the supplies already on hand! I would love to experiment making these with different colors and fabrics. Such a clever way to dry herbs! I would love to give these as liittle token gifts to special friends! Thanks for the great article!

  2. This is such a great idea. I have lots of herbs that I have grown this summer and I will definitely try this.

  3. what a cute idea! I have hung herbs in the kitchen with string, and it looks awful. I didn’t do herbs this year, partly b/c I didn’t like doing that! but this is perfect must try!

  4. That’s a good way to dry small batches of herbs.

  5. Tricia Hope says

    I was thinking of ways I could gift my excess herbs into gifts.This fits the bill,nicely.

  6. This is a cute clip.

  7. Dotty J Boucher says

    This is such a cute idea, I love this, another great project for me and my granddaughter to do.

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