Caring for Dementia Patients at Home

The caregivers for patients of dementia may find themselves confronted with many challenges especially when they are treating a person within the family. Essentially, people diagnosed with dementia resulting from Alzheimer's and other mental illnesses may undergo a progressive brain disorder, which impairs their memory and their ability to think clearly, communicate effectively, and care for themselves. In addition, it is pertinent to know that the condition of dementia can trigger mood swings … [Read more...]

A Healthy Diet Reduces Your Risk of Dementia: A Talk

Dementia is scary. The thought of not remembering your loved ones, not remembering the good and the bad times you shared with people is quite scary. The chances of suffering from dementia increases are the person gets older. However, this doesn't mean that younger people can't have this mental condition. However, researches over the years have shown that there are things that we can do to reduce the risk of dementia. One of those things is �eating a healthy diet.' In this blog, we hav … [Read more...]

Cognitive Disorders

Cognitive disorders include Alzheimer's disease and vascular, frontotemporal, and mixed dementia. These types of diseases have specific risk factors, causes and recognizable symptoms. Although mental and cognitive disorders do not have cures, they can be treated and individuals can delay progression through their daily activities. Risk Factors Brain disorder risk factors include age, family history, and genetic conditions. Risk factors you can control include diet and exercise, alcohol … [Read more...]

Natural Remedies To Help Your Loved One Live Better With Dementia

When living with dementia, there are plenty of natural remedies to help your loved one get the most out of life. Music has been shown to have an overwhelmingly positive effect on those with the condition. Music is a key to memories and can help to unlock their past as music helps to tap into areas of the brain not affected by dementia. This can bring a great deal of comfort and joy to both your loved one and to you. Music therapy for dementia can be a wonderful way to connect together, … [Read more...]