Is It Possible to Make a Small Bathroom Look Luxurious?

Homeowners living with small bathrooms often find themselves putting off renovations because they're discouraged. After all, it's not easy to make a small bathroom look as luxurious as one with a large, open floor plan.  Thankfully, that's a misconception. It may take some extra creativity and work, but it's possible to make a smaller bathroom look and feel luxurious and spa-like. Read on to find some tips that could help. 1. Choose the Right Vanity Homeowners looking for a place … [Read more...]

Top Tips for Saving Money as a Parent

Even when you don't have a family to think of, saving money isn't always easy. There is always something to pay out for, whether that be unexpected bills, new essentials for your home, or maintenance work on your property, someone's birthday can even set your budget back. It can be very easy to lose track of your spending, and when you do have kids there are even more outgoings than you had before. No one likes to find themselves in a bind financially, so if you are worried about your monthly … [Read more...]

Four Money Tips for Busy Moms Who Can�t Work Full-Time

As a busy mom, working to earn money while looking after your kids, trying to keep up with exercise and attempting to remain invested in your hobbies is a truly exhausting process. Financial issues, alongside the physical strains of your lifestyle, are a mental burden that can be difficult to shift. These simple money tips cannot solve all of your problems at once, overnight, or perhaps at all, but they will certainly go some way to reassuring you that there are options out there that can … [Read more...]

4 Hacks For Making Cost Cutting Easier & Less Time-Consuming

When you have children, no one tells you just how much of a drain on your bank account they will be. You're warned about the constant crying, the projectile vomiting, and the exploding nappies, but no one tells you that having little ones could put you on the brink of bankruptcy. So when you have your little ones and begin to realize just how expensive they are to look after, it can be quite a shock. The good news is that just because family life can break the bank, that doesn't mean it has to. … [Read more...]

Money Saving Tips for You and Your Family!

As part of Day 2 of my Ultimate Blog Challenge, I thought I would give you all some tips on saving money, especially when it comes to your family. In this day and age and with the economy how it is, you have to find as many ways to save money as you can. It is especially true if you have children, like the majority of my readers do. Here are just a few money saving tips that I have to help you out! Create a Budget - This is first and foremost on my list because there is no way you can … [Read more...]