10 Best Jobs For Moms

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Three women talking and laughing.

There is absolutely no doubt that one of the hardest jobs in the world is being a mother, and the real irony is that that is one of the few jobs that you don’t even get paid for! Raising a family is one of life’s greatest adventures, but doing so requires some extra cash here and there, and this inevitably means putting yourself back out there and making attempts to enter into the world of work.

Getting the work/life balance can be tough for a mom, there are plenty of responsibilities on both sides of the coin and what you need to do is find a role that allows you some flexibility whilst also offering prospects and pay that are worth making big life changes for.

With all of this in mind, here are some ideas for jobs that would be perfect for a mom. All you need to do is get your resume in order with the help of the best resume writing service and there will be nothing stopping you!

1. Real Estate Agent

If you get the chance to become a real estate agent in your town, then it can be the perfect job for a mom. The benefits include your area of work being close to your own home, along with the flexibility to be able to arrange your own hours. Historically, women have always been more successful at closing sales in the real estate market!

2. Social Media Manager

If you spend a lot of your time across your various social media platforms, then why not turn it into a money making hobby? The great thing about being a social media manager for something like a local business is the fact that you can do most of the work from home.

3. Social Worker

If you have the kind of magic touch with young or vulnerable people, then a career in social work can be so rewarding. There is something about mothers and their caring, empathetic nature that is very suited to social care.

4.Freelance Writer

If you want a role that can be done from home with the kids nearby, then freelance writing is perfect. There are many online platforms where you can find freelance writing jobs, so finding jobs shouldn’t be a problem. The job is always varied and interesting, you never know what you might be assigned from day to day so it certainly keeps you on your toes.

5.School Worker

If you really want your working hours to match your children’s, then a job inside a school is the logical choice. From librarians to school nurses to canteen workers to janitors to teacher’s aides and more, the options are endless.

6.Graphic Designer

If you excel in the art department and have a natural skill with computer software, then why not try your hand at some graphic designing? Come up with a few sample pieces to get the ball rolling.

7.Personal Trainer

If you are the kind of super mom who’s body snapped right back into pre-baby shape, then why not market your skill in the form of becoming a personal trainer? You can even do your sessions from home with the kids close.

8. Daycare Operator

If you want to be really smart, you could monetize the process of looking after your own kids by taking in other neighborhood children too! We are sure there will be a handful of families in your area who are looking for help.

9. Music Teacher

If you are somebody who achieved Grade 8 in an instrument when you were younger, then an easy way to earn some extra cash is setting up a private lessons school in your own home.

10.Travel Consultant

More and more people are getting back into the habit of booking holidays through a travel consultant who can put all of their plans together for them. If you are a real details person, then this could be a wonderful career choice.

These are just a few of the jobs suitable for moms. The world of work has changed and there are so many more opportunities to enable women to balance work with running a family. Be determined in your choice and follow the steps to find a job you enjoy as much as raising your children.

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