10 Common Bad Habits of Children (and How to Break Them)

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Everyone has habits which are so automatic that you hardly even notice when you are doing them. However, many of these repetitive actions can negatively impact various walks of your life, including physical, mental, and social well-being.

Unfortunately, the longer these behaviors persist, the stronger they become, especially for children. It’s a good idea to focus on your children and catch bad habits as early as possible. Here are 10 of the most common to be aware of.

1. Electronic Devices Directly Before Bed

Children require more hours of slumber than your average adult, otherwise, their mood may sour and their immune system can weaken. With that in mind, please note that the light from electronic screens has been shown to interfere with the sleep hormone called melatonin. By turning off all devices an hour before bed, your kids should drift off much easier. However, if your child is still struggling, perhaps consider some natural sleep supplements too.

2. Skipping Breakfast

Perhaps you are guilty of this yourself, but without that initial fuel for your day, you may suffer from energy reduction or perhaps even some weight gain. The easiest way to ensure the whole family is interested in this metabolism booster is to provide healthy options that they love without any hassle. These could include fruit, eggs, yogurt, or smoothies.

3. Nail Biting

Besides seeming like a nervous wreck, there are other genuine health risks to the nail biting habit. This gnawing action can wear down the teeth and damage the cuticles, while germ-ridden fingertips may introduce unfamiliar bacteria into the system. Thankfully, there are products available which coat the nails in a bitter taste, and this can help reduce the compulsion substantially.

4. Junk Food Lunches

It’s easy to understand why a child would opt for a burger over a salad, because who wouldn’t? Unfortunately, with such high sodium and sugar content, these are the fastest paths to obesity and rotten teeth. Set an example by eating healthy meals yourself while cooking larger dinner portions for leftovers. You’ll save money too!

5. Bad Language

Even if you have the mouth of a saint, there are plenty of other avenues for children to hear offensive words, such as the television or the playground. Start by establishing house rules which ban the use of certain phrases, meaning you can’t say them either. It’s also recommended that you approach the subject calmly, otherwise, your kids may exploit such curses just to get a reaction out of you.

6. All Day Snacking

If your kid is continuously nibbling on candy until they are no longer interested in meal times, then you have a calorie nightmare on your hands. An easy way to reduce these effects is to maintain a snack schedule and stock up on healthier options, such as carrots, apples, or nuts.

7. Nose-Picking

Unappealing aesthetic aside, there have been some ill effects associated with nose-picking too. The biggest threat comes from sharp nails which can cause tiny cuts in the cavity, granting easier access to the bloodstream for finger bacteria. The picking urge is often due to a dry nasal passage, so encourage a dab of coconut oil to the area instead. You can also stick plasters around the fingertips to restrict entry space.

8. Eating Too Much Meat

More and more experts have started to link excessive meat consumption to heart disease, cancer, obesity, depression, and ultimately, an early death. Start small by joining the Meat Free Monday movement, and remember that the more plant-based meals your family eats, the better it is for them.

9. Not Wearing Sunscreen

Teach your kids to habitually apply sunscreen no matter what the weather looks like outside. Even on a cloudy day, those UV rays can still find them, which will age their skin dramatically and increase their risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, don’t forget to regularly ask your children to see if any new marks have appeared, and then speak to a professional if you are unsure.

10. Watching Too Much Television

Relaxing in front of the TV is something everyone loves to do, however, spending hours fixed in this horizontal position can lead to poor posture habits and mindless snacking. Limit their television use by utilizing a reward system for good behavior, and always advocate for a good book instead.

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