3 Ways to Firm Loose Tummy Skin Following Pregnancy

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One of the most common insecurities women have following pregnancy is new loose tummy skin. Other changes revert back to how they once appeared after childbirth, but loose skin often persists and drives new mothers crazy. It can be damaging to your confidence and the relationship you have with your self-image.

The good news is that it’s entirely possible to return your body to how it once was. However, it may take time, so don’t be too critical of yourself. Remember, your body just performed a miracle, it needs some respite!

From exercise to Tummy Tuck Cost, we’ve compiled a list of the three most effective ways to firm loose tummy skin.

1. Stick to a Cardio Routine

If you just winced, don’t worry. We’re not suggesting you start any extreme cycling classes any time soon. You shouldn’t push yourself too hard to do anything following childbirth. Your body is likely still recovering. However, if possible, a little cardio between motherly duties can go a long way.

This could be something as simple as going for a brisk walk or going swimming whenever you get the chance. If you’re unable to find a babysitter, consider buying a treadmill or an exercise bike. Just ten or twenty minutes on either can make a big difference if performed over an extended period. It’s also great for your overall health!

2. Try Some Strength Training

Again, we’re not suggesting anything too intensive, but some simple muscle tone exercises can be instrumental in tummy-firming. Sit-ups and push-ups are ideal for targeting your stomach area. If that sounds like too much, consider practicing yoga or Pilates. Not only are they great strength training exercises, they’re also perfect for stress relief!

You don’t need to leave your home to practice yoga or Pilates. There are numerous online tutorials and videos available if you don’t want to or are unable to leave your house. If you do decide to join a class or hire a trainer, let them know you’ve recently given birth. That way they can keep a closer eye on your progress and suggest moves ideal for your end goals.

3. Get a Tummy Tuck

Exercise not your thing? We feel you. Cardio and strength training are both highly effective and benefit your entire body, but they aren’t applicable to all. If you have the money available and you don’t feel squeamish about surgery, a tummy tuck may be the perfect option for you!

Otherwise known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck works by removing excess or stretched skin from your stomach area. However, some procedures go far beyond simple tummy renovation. Your waistline can be narrowed and any part of your lower body that feels a little droopier can be restored.

With one procedure, your entire abdominal region can be taken back to how it was before childbirth. Of course, this is a more expensive option than simply introducing some more exercise into your life, but some loose skin is more stubborn than others. There’s no shame in getting a cosmetic procedure if it gives you more confidence to live your life.

Remember: Your Body is Valid No Matter What

If you are struggling with your body confidence following childbirth, remind yourself of what you’ve been through. Childbirth isn’t easy, and being a mother certainly takes some serious work.

Try not to be too critical of yourself, including how your body looks. Many women experience loose skin following pregnancy. You aren’t alone and it isn’t unusual. Whether you opt for exercise, a cosmetic procedure, a mix of both, it’s your right to choose what’s best for you!

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