5 Benefits of Music for Kids

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Are you considering enrolling your child in music lessons? You may have heard about the many benefits of learning to play music, listening to music, and moving to music. To learn more about these advantages, read on.

1. It Teaches Patience and Discipline

Learning to play a new instrument takes a lot of practice. Whether they are taking in-person guitar lessons or online violin lessons, your child needs patience as it takes time to become proficient. As they play together with other students or in the band or orchestra, they have many opportunities to practice that patience. There are times when they have to wait for the instructor or other students to learn and play together. This skill carries over into so many aspects of their life. From their education, job and their own family, patience is an important attribute to have.

2. It Improves Thinking Skills

Music changes how childrens’ brains work. Understanding how to read sheet music and applying that to an instrument creates neural pathways in the brain. It’s been proven that students who know music perform better in math and reading because of this stimulation. If your child is struggling in academics, search for a company that sells or rents musical instruments, such as Forbes Music Company, so your child can begin learning at home or school.

3. It Builds Their Confidence

Being able to play an instrument on their own dramatically improves your child’s confidence. They learn that they can become good at anything with a lot of hard work and dedication. If your child continues to play over the years, their skills advance and their confidence become even stronger. Their conviction also carries over into different areas of their lives, including sports and academics, and eventually work.

4. It Encourages Social Skills

If your student is shy or lacks social skills, becoming part of a musical group is one way to help them improve on these qualities. Since these groups all have something in common, your child has an easier time fitting in. While much of their time together requires focusing on a teacher instead of socializing, a shy child may blossom without the intense need to talk to everyone all the time. These groups also encourage children to take turns, support one another, and work together as a team.

5. It Is an Outlet for Creativity

Playing, listening and dancing to music are all forms of creative expression. While a person may learn to play by following a sheet of music, they begin to develop their own music as they become more skilled. As they explore their creativity and find success in their work, they also become more likely to use that creativity in other aspects of their life. This is great as they adapt to harder school lessons, learn to work with difficult tasks, or use their unique way of thinking to get ahead in their career. 

Music provides so many benefits for your child that all parents should encourage their children to give it a try. 

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