6 Natural Remedies for Common Body Issues

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natural remedies for body

Everyone has experienced minor body issues during life. More than likely you reach for some sort of over-the-counter or prescription drug to soothe the problem while thinking, “there has to be a more natural way.” For the most common issues people experience, there are plenty of natural ways to combat them. The ones addressed in this article are:

  • Headaches
  • General Body Inflammation
  • Sore Throat
  • Eczema
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Gastrointestinal Tract Issues

Headaches and CBD


Whether you have migraine headaches or tension headaches; CBD for headache has been studied in multiple ways to show its effectiveness and benefits. There are several ways to use CBD to take advantage of the benefits. Depending on how you are experiencing your headaches, you can use CBD topically or orally, as it has a few more options.

CBD helps by binding to receptors in the brain to reduce headache symptoms. Your headaches might get triggered by lack of sleep or stress; CBD has a calming effect on the nervous that counteracts the causes. With long-term use, many have seen migraine headaches subside in frequency. To know which would work best for you, you have to figure out a few things:

  1. Topical or Oral CBD
  2. Dosage

Deciding if applying topical CBD would be best, you need to assess if your pain is localized. If the headaches tend to stay in one area, then this might be an ideal option. Whereas, if the headache pain seems to fluctuate from place to place, taking oral CBD would be best. There are a few more options for taking oral CBD. There are gel tablets, gummies, or sublingual, which is the under-the-tongue method.

With dosing CBD, it is also best to start small and work your way up. Most tend to do well within 25 mg to 50 mg per day. For the first few days, starting with a low dosage will allow you to see how it works, gradually increasing the dosage until desired results start to show. Adding in some rest might help the process as CBD aids in sleeping.

The Body and Teas


Did you know that drinking tea has numerous benefits for the body. Some help a sore throat, others aid to fight inflammation in various parts of the body and help gastrointestinal issues. Depending on the blends of teas, the benefits change. Tea is one of the most natural ways to care for bodily issues.

Sore Throat

Tea is one of the most common treatments for sore throats. The warmth helps soothe soreness. But depending on the type of tea you drink, it might have added benefits in helping your sore throat. Green tea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties reducing pain while also fighting infections. Many herbal blends also have plenty of antioxidants to help with inflammation and reducing pain. Peppermint and chamomile tea helps with the hoarse feeling.

General Body Inflammation

Inflammation is caused by bacteria and viruses entering the body. Subtle at first, then over time, you may start to notice certain things like stiff joints or body aches. As mentioned previously, tea has plenty of antioxidants to help inflammation. Certain blends can help treat particular areas of inflammation.

Ginger and turmeric teas can help joints and types of arthritis, while cardamom tends to be great for overall inflammation within the body. Looking at the different types of ginseng (Asian and American), American ginseng has a more relaxing experience in addition to helping inflammation.

Gastrointestinal Tract Issues

In combating inflammation, tea is also a digestive stimulate. Green tea is one of the most well-rounded options. It can help tone up a leaky gut and help with inflammatory bowel diseases. Among other herbal blends, teas can moisten your gastrointestinal tract helping as a laxative while having a much-needed immune boost to nourish. Knowing what each herbal blend contains and how they react within your body will benefit the outcome.

Bleeding Gums

Either brushing too hard or sensitive gums, bleeding gums are not fun. There are a few options to help alleviate the discomfort. For sensitive gums, you might want to check what ingredients are in your products. If there are too many alcohols, it might be drying your gums out. Trying out aloe vera toothpaste might be beneficial to replenish the health of your gums. Additionally, use a more natural mouthwash, such as sage mouthwash or even just saltwater. Both have antibacterial qualities without severely over-drying.


Eczema is an irritation of the skin causing rough, itchy, scaly patches. Factors that cause eczema might vary from allergies and environment to genetics. With the skin already being sensitive to irritants, going the natural route might greatly benefit those who need relief.

Other than buying lotions, making your own is not impossible. This allows you to know everything within it and tweak anything to make it work better. Oils such as coconut, jojoba, and tea tree are known to help with eczema. They have antibacterial properties to heal wounds. 

Coconut and jojoba oil are moisturizing for the skin barrier. Honey and aloe vera also have similar properties that help the skin. In addition, using colloidal oats while you bathe or shower would help soothe irritation from itching.

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