6 Ways To Ease Pregnancy Discomfort

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Carrying a child is a truly wonderful thing, but it can also be a bit of a trial. From back pain to achy feet, there are so many small things that can cause you discomfort during this period. Woman’s Health Centers explains more about the reasons why you should have an annual health exam.

1. Take a quick swim

Needless to say, weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy and there’s not much that you can do about that. However, the added weight can stress your joints and pull muscles and tendons to their limits. One of the easiest things that you can do to ease that pain and discomfort is to take a swim.

You don’t have to overexert yourself; just float around for a while. Doing so will give you a much-needed break from carrying your own body weight. Plus, chilling out in a pool is an excellent way to relax and get some

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