7 Best Motorcycle Safety Accessories and Gear

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In 2019, 5,000 motorcyclists lost their lives in an accident. When there’s an accident between a motorcycle and a vehicle, the vehicle passenger often takes the biggest hit. A motorcyclist is completely exposed during a ride, so it’s important to wear the proper gear.

Here we outline the seven best motorcycle safety accessories and gear.

  1. Motorcycle Helmet

Motorcycle safety accessories and gear begin with the helmet. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration studies motorcycle accidents annually. In the 2010s, they found that motorcyclists wore helmets more often, but ill-fitting helmets didn’t protect them fully.

When you pick out a motorcycle helmet, try it on first. It helps to browse Department of Transportation approved helmets too. Someone else completed the legwork on the research. Simply pick the one that fits your style and head. 

  1. Earplugs

Motorcyclists drive completely exposed to everything including the weather, debris, and noise. Motorcycle safety accessories include earplugs. 

You can head over to your favorite retailer and pick some up in the outdoor sporting goods section. If you live in a state that regulates earplugs for motorcyclists, brush up on the law first. You might need to pick up custom-molded plugs for your ears. 

Keep in mind that the helmet drowns out some traffic noise too.

A motorcycle driver needs to drown out the car noise, but not to the point where you can’t hear a horn honk or slamming brakes.

If you find yourself in a motorcycle accident, this guide offers legal information for motorcycle accidents.

  1. Motorcycle Gloves

It’s important to wear gloves on a motorcycle ride. They protect your hands from flying debris. Some also help you grip the bars better, especially on particularly long rides. Since your hands are likely to sweat, you don’t want to end up with blisters.

The best motorcycle gloves for safety include reinforced palms and knuckles. If you ever fall off the bike and use your hands to catch yourself, the gloves protect your hands against the impact and scrapes.

They’re great protection against sunburn and colder temperatures too.

  1. Motorcycle Jacket

Riding a motorcycle requires a complete outfit. It’s tempting to head out in a t-shirt and jeans, but it’s not a good idea. Even Tom Cruise in Top Gun wears his jacket when he jumps on his ride.

Motorcyclists tend to ride in the summer months to avoid the rain. Although the temperature is toastier, a jacket is a motorcycle safety gear-must. Opt for leather and a high collar. 

Passenger vehicle drivers don’t realize how much debris flies as they’re driving; that’s not the case with motorcyclists. You do know, and you need to protect yourself from it.

  1. Motorcycle Pants

To avoid scraping your legs, purchase some pairs of motorcycle pants. These pants are far more stylish in 2021 than in the past. They fit snugly and have padding in the knee area. 

Loose-fitting clothing and motorcycle riding do not go hand in hand. It’s best to keep everything fitted. If you fall off the bike, motorcycle pants won’t tear. They prevent road rash and severe abrasions.

  1. Motorcycle Boots

Designers and manufacturers of motorcycle safety accessories and gear produce each piece to protect the motorcyclist in an accident. 

There’s no way of knowing how the rider will land after a crash, but those with experience believe there’s a big impact on the feet. Therefore make motorcycle boots part of your riding outfit. 

Sneakers don’t work for hiking and they don’t work for riding either. Combat boots are an optimal option. If you decide to ride on dirt roads, all the dust and debris won’t find their way inside the boots. Plus they’re sturdy.

  1. Eye Protection

Most helmets come with a visor to protect your eyes. You can add more protection with a pair of glasses designed for the outdoors. 

Eye protection blocks debris, bugs, and wind. They won’t irritate your eyes during a ride. Specialized eyewear makers take feedback from the top athletes and outdoors sportsmen. You can find a pair for riding that’s sturdy, tinted, and frames your face comfortably.


There’s a romantic notion associated with riding a motorcycle on the open American plains. Enjoy the freedom, but remember to dress for safety with a well-fitting helmet, boots, and jacket, among other gear and accessories.

In case you do have an incident getting in touch with motorcycle accident lawyer Lynnwood and similar individuals might be a smart choice.

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