7 Important Factors to Consider Before Giving CBD To Your Pet

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CBD is used to treat various conditions such as anxiety, pain, epilepsy, or loss of appetite. Today, there is a growing popularity of giving CBD to pets when treating these conditions. Dogs have an endocannabinoid system that allows them to benefit from its healing properties. The cannabinoid in CBD-based products offers a natural path to recovery without risking side effects. However, before deciding to use CBD on your dog, there are essential things you must consider.

  1. Know where the CBD comes from

Before giving the compound to your pet, know where it comes from and the supply lines. Today, CBD comes from all over the world, differing in cannabinoid quality and safety. Ensure you purchase organically grown hemp plants that reduce the chance of exposing your pet to harmful chemicals.

Look at the origin country when purchasing CBD pills understand its efficiency and safety. Each country has specific regulations regarding hemp cultivation, including pesticides, proper humidity, and temperature levels. These growing conditions determine the quality of cannabinoids in the plant.

This knowledge of CBD origin can help select the most appropriate compound for medical applications. Only purchase CBD products extracted from organic sources. The hemp plant should be cultivated under proper conditions to guarantee quality and safety.

  1. Determine the type of CBD product to use
woman in black jacket holding white and blue plastic bag

CBD is available in different forms, such as capsules, oil, and cream. You can administer them orally or apply them on the skin for similar effects. The cannabinoid is beneficial when looking to enhance the dog’s appetite, reduce anxiety and fight insomnia. Explore these benefits before choosing the right product for your pet.

When choosing a product for your pet, consider how to plan to use it, whether internally or externally. For example, capsules will take a longer time before showing effects in the pet compared to CBD oil or tincture. However, they are a convenient method of administering CBD to your dog by hiding them in the food.

Tinctures are a common choice for a pet due to their ease of application. It is a straightforward dose done using a dropper or adding to the dog’s meal. Mixing CBD oil in dog treats effectively administering the compound because the treats will mask the taste of CBD. Topicals such as lotion applied on the skin show almost immediate results since the cannabinoids are absorbed through the skin to fight any allergy, pain, or inflammation.

  1. Check the certificate of analysis.

Every CBD pet product should have a certificate of analysis to show its authenticity and quality. The certificate has details on the dosage, concentration, and THC presence crucial to your pet’s life. By reading the label, you understand the pesticide test results, microbial test, and heavy metal test for pollutants. The certificate shows the amount of THC in a bottle of CBD oil.

Under the certificate of analysis, you will understand the essential details in the product, such as concentration and presence of THC compound. Some manufacturers may label it hemp oil without mentioning the concentration of CBD. Don’t buy hemp-infused oil for your dog or a product with the presence of THC. Any CBD with THC concentrations may not be suitable for your dog. Even subtle elements could make the pet paranoid and anxious.

  1. Look at the dosage
shallow focus photo of man in front of long-coated black and brown dog

CBD products offer a better and natural alternative to pain management if used in the proper dosage. You should know the correct CBD dosage for your dog before using it to treat pain and anxiety. Dosage isn’t established yet since the FDA does not regulate CBD. Hence, consult with your vet to understand the correct CBD dosage for your pet.

The good news is that CBD is safe and effective to use on dogs without risking overdose. Its dosage depends on the dog’s weight, with the most effective dose being 2mg per kg of weight. This dosage will increase the dog’s comfort and deal with the symptoms. Using the wrong dosage could affect the CBD’s effectiveness and risk harming your pet.

  1. Choose between broad-spectrum and CBD isolate.

There are different types of CBD, including full-spectrum and CBD isolate. Many people are using full-spectrum CBD products to treat arthritis, chronic pain, and joint pain. It is the most preferred choice when using CBD for dogs since it contains many natural cannabinoids. The full-spectrum CBD has an entire collection of cannabinoids, including flavonoids that help with pain relief.

CBD isolate does not have phytochemicals, affecting its efficiency in benefiting the dog. It only has CBD without other beneficial properties. Therefore, always go with full-spectrum CBD when looking after your dog’s health.

  1. Select quality products
person holding white and brown long coated small dog

When choosing CBD for your pet, don’t go for low-quality products in trying to save money. While the price may feel lower than the market standard, these products will carry too many chemicals that will harm your pet. They may also have a low CBD concentration that won’t benefit your fluffy animal.

Know the standard mark of quality in each CBD product and choose one that will provide value to your animal. Through an internet search, you can determine the reputable CBD companies on the market offering quality products. Since quality CBD products are expensive, ensure the product positively impacts and achieves the desired results. Determine the quality of CBD products by asking about the batch testing and the extraction. Quality CBD products are safe to use and will work within a short time.

  1. Know the purpose of CBD

Many people are using CBD to treat almost everything from pain to anxiety and insomnia. This is because of its effectiveness in providing relief without side effects. The three common health conditions are pain, seizure, and anxiety. In particular, choose CBD without THC to give maximum benefit to the dog. It should have a calming and drowsy effect to deal with anxiety, pain, or allergies. The CBD should provide high-quality cannabinoids without inducing harmful side effects.

Final Thoughts

CBD products are becoming essential to your pet’s health needs. They can treat a variety of health needs such as pain, anxiety, and allergies. However, giving the wrong CBD product to your dog could backfire and cause discomfort. These tips can help you select the best CBD product that will provide optimal benefits to your dog. However, always consult with your vet before administering any CBD product to determine its safety, allergies, and dose limit.

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