7 Problems Your Missouri City Dentist Can Help You With

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Nobody loves going to the dentist and getting bad news. Dental health is a reflection of overall health, and how well you take care of your teeth can indicate how you take care of the rest of your body. A dental checkup might also reveal problems related to your heart and digestion since many warning signs can be discovered from your mouth only. With these considerations in mind, if you are looking for a Missouri City dentist, we have found you the best dentists at Missouri City Dentistry.

These are the seven most common issues that patients face, that your dentist should be able to help you with.

Can’t have ice cream. Too sensitive?

Ice cream should make you smile rather than make you shiver when the ice reaches your teeth. The first step is to determine the source of the problem. Worn teeth, Cavities, gum disease, fractured teeth, and exposed roots are only a few of the possibilities. When the dentist has figured out what’s wrong, you may need a filling, a root canal, or gum surgery to replace tissue that has been weakened at the root. You may only need a fluoride gel or a pain-reducing toothpaste or strip.


 These small gaps between your teeth are a warning sign. They multiply as plaque, a sticky bacterium that grows on your teeth and gradually replaces the hard outer layer known as enamel. Adults may be concerned about tooth decay which can be resolved by brushing at least twice a day with a good toothpaste, controlling your snacking, and floss daily. Consult your dentist to see if a sealant is appropriate for you.

Broken or chipped teeth

It’s the most common form of tooth decay. A chip can happen as a result of a mishap. Anything less dramatic, such as eating popcorn, would achieve the same result. Your dentist can recommend a cap or to replace the chipped patch if the chip is big.

Teeth that have been knocked out

An adult tooth that hasn’t completely erupted is referred to as “impacted.” An impacted tooth is one that has been lodged against another tooth. If it isn’t bothering you as such, your dentist should advise you to ignore it.

Teeth that become yellow or stained

You need to adopt the right technique to cure yellow or stained teeth. Tooth discoloration can be caused by a variety of factors, including foods, medications, tobacco, and trauma. Your dentist might recommend you with a whitening agent or a special light treatment.

Excessive teeth: Hyperdontia

You had 20 primary teeth when you were an infant. The number of teeth begins to increase as soon as you begin to develop. However, they should stop at 32, as this is the average number of adult teeth. Hyperdontia is a disorder in which a person’s teeth are excessive than usual and must be removed using orthodontics.

Teeth that are crooked

 Straightening crooked teeth and aligning your bite improves your smile in more ways than one. It can help to improve overall dental health by alleviating symptoms such as jaw pain. Braces (metal or trays), aligners, and retainers are all options for orthodontists.

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