Smog- a deadly combination of smoke and fog is one of the worst types of air pollution. It forms when harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, carbon monoxide, and ozone emit into the air. It makes air quality suffer drastically, making it difficult to breathe. As smog continues to build up mainly due to high industrial and vehicular emissions, it causes detrimental effects on human health. Irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat are consequences linked to the high levels of smog. Moreover, its effects can be more damaging for people with existing heart and respiratory problems like asthma.
Protection is the key to avoid the dangerous effects of smog. Here, we present eight tips to protect yourself from its adverse effects. By following these simple tips, you can keep yourself and your family safe from it.

- Check Air Quality Index (AQI)
It is vital to stay updated with the daily weather forecast and monitor air quality to avoid possible dangers of smog. Sources like local newspapers, television, and radio help you keep updated with the weather forecast. These color-coded forecasts allow you to check for polluted air in your area. Moreover, apps like AirNow can also aid in monitoring air quality levels. Hence, before leaving your home, don’t forget to check the ozone map on any such app to stay updated with the smog conditions in your area.
- Wear a high-quality mask
Anti-pollution masks can help protect you from harmful air pollutants and smog. These masks prevent the entry of particulate matter that can damage your lungs. You can opt for Ora Protective Face Masks, which are cost-effective and environmentally friendly. These comfortable masks can prevent you from inhaling harmful particles and filter dust, allergens, and fumes that affect breathing.
- Avoid exercising outdoors
It is crucial to avoid outdoor workouts during high levels of smog. It is because breathing deeply during an intense outdoor exercise can cause you to inhale more toxic air that can significantly affect your lungs and breathing. Therefore, it is wiser to exercise at home. Through this, you can minimize the possible health risks associated with smog.
- Clean indoor air
Air purifiers can help to reduce pollution in your home. The air cleaners equipped with HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) can remove dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. They purify indoor air by trapping these minute particles in a mesh of fine fibers. Comparably, you can also use indoor plants like Aloe Vera and Spider plants that purify the air in your homes. These plants act as natural air cleaners that filter out harmful pollutants like Benzene. They not only improve air quality but can also elevate your mood.
- Prefer healthy diet
Water and juices rich in Vitamin C help in cleaning your body and blood from toxins. Therefore, during a smog, it is vital to increase your water intake and drink lots of other fluids to keep yourself safe and healthy. Foods rich in Vitamin A, C, and E help maintain good healthy diet during smog. Broccoli, kale, tomatoes, and berries act as potent antioxidants and can serve best to neutralize the effects of harmful pollutants. Therefore, a diet composed of these can help build resistance against air pollution and increase your immunity.
- Use public transport
It is best to avoid driving your car during smoggy conditions. You can use various other alternatives. For example, public transport like buses and trains are the best available options. You can also carpool to reach your office. It is favorable to combine trips during a smog. Besides, avoid busy areas to protect yourself from smog. It is because heavy traffic areas can increase your exposure to air pollution. Thus, try to plan your route before leaving your house during smoggy conditions.
- Conserve energy
According to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), energy conservation can help in reducing pollution caused by smog. For example, by replacing your bulb with compact fluorescent bulbs, you can save up to 75 % of the energy. Consequently, it also helps in lowering greenhouse emissions.
- Adopt a sustainable lifestyle
Sustainable living can help to limit your emissions and keep yourself and others safe from pollution. For example, you can avoid smoking which is bad for your health and the environment. You can also avoid burning trash that causes soot to release, which adds up to air pollution. Moreover, you can either walk or use a bicycle for shorter distances. Altogether, these changes in behavior promise a long-term solution to combat smog.
Final Thoughts
In a nutshell, these handy tips can help you in minimizing the risk of smog. Checking Air Quality Index (AQI) allows you to monitor unhealthy air in your area. Therefore, being updated can help you in planning your commute patterns during a smog. You can also wear good quality masks and use public transport to minimize the risks. Furthermore, a nutritional diet with maximum water intake can help purify your body from irritants. Overall, sustainable behavior can help you in effectively fighting smog. However, if you experience any symptoms like shortness of breath during smoggy conditions, don’t forget to consult your doctor. Also, if you’re an asthma patient, keep your inhaler with you at all times. As the increased level of smog can aggravate your condition.
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
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