Update On My Mom – Diverticulum

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I know I’ve been very absent and haven’t posted a real update on how life is going. Things have been super crazy, with my daughter keeping me busy and then my mom in the hospital and what-not. I figured I would give you all an update on my mom and possibly ask for a favor.

Well, if you recall to my first/last update about my mom being in the hospital, the doctors thought she had a hiatal hernia. Well, that’s not the case. What she has is a diverticulum. Here is the definition of it:

diverticulum – a circumscribed pouch or sac occurring normally or created by herniation of the lining mucous membrane through a defect in the muscular coat of a tubular organ.

In “human terms,” or as the doctor described it to us, basically there’s a sack off of the esophagus. It’s there (I’m really not sure the purpose – or if there is one at all – for it) and usually there’s no issues with it. Well, apparently my mom’s got infected and he showed us the CT scan of it and it’s double the normal size of it.

She’s having surgery Monday at 7:30am. It’s going to be a 4-6 hour long surgery. I’m, honestly, kind of scared. I hate surgeries of any kind because I know anything can go wrong. I’m trying to stay optimistic though. I just want my mom to be able to eat normally again (like I said in the first post about her, she couldn’t keep anything down and had lost about 60 pounds in the past 2-3 months) and feel better. She’s been on an all liquids diet at the hospital, plus they have her hooked up to nutrients through an IV. She’ll probably be in the hospital 4-5 days after surgery.

It would mean a lot to me if you kept my mom in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much!

Sharing is caring!


  1. Vesta Mason says

    I am praying for healing for your mom and daughter and for God’s peace for you all!

  2. I have been thinking about you and your family. I will keep your mom in my prayers. I pray for a successful surgery with quick healing. May God Bless you.


  1. […] able to do everything with the robot like they wanted to (if you recall me talking about this in my last update) so they had to make a 6-8 inch incision on the side of her chest. �That’s going to suck […]

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