The biggest impact in your life comes from your everyday habits. If you have no idea what you’re doing every day that is contributing to your health, good or bad, you need to pause and take stock of your daily habits. Your physical health is crucial to how you live your life, so make sure your daily habits are supporting a healthy physical body. Here are four healthy habits to begin putting into practice. Healthy EatingBegin to eat something healthy every day by replacing something that is unhealthy. For example, if you need to cut carbs, stop having bread with dinner and instead have an extra serving of a healthy veggie or a fresh leafy green salad on the side. Replace your morning sugar-laden cereal with a bowl of oatmeal. Switch from coffee to matcha tea. Instead of dessert, opt for fresh fruit instead. Move Your BodyIf you don’t exercise much or at all, commit to moving some every day. Start slowly and increase how long you can move or exercise. Begin with just 15 minutes each day. Try easy activities such as walking, playing outside with the kids, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away in the parking lot so you have to take more steps to the building. Move some every day and increase your timeframe as your body gets used to being more active. AgeForce patches are a great option to give you extra benefits.
Increase Your SleepIf you are not getting enough sleep, this will drastically impact your overall health. Begin a new routine of increasing your sleep time by going to bed earlier. Start with going to bed 30 minutes earlier and gradually increase that time so that you are getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep will impact your immune system as well as your ability to function well during the daytime. Make it a point to turn off distractions and go to bed earlier.Express Your GratitudeYour mental health has a direct impact on your physical health. You can easily begin keeping a gratitude journal to jot down what you are grateful for. This is a great daily habit to keep you focused on those good things in your life. If you find yourself dwelling on the not so good things, pull out your journal and switch gears. Nothing is too small to be grateful for, and what you focus on expands. Create this gratitude habit and you’ll eventually find yourself focusing more on the happy experiences in your life rather than the opposite.Changes in habit don’t happen overnight, so be prepared to go slow and stay committed to these changes. As your brain and body become accustomed to these new habits, you’ll find yourself easily adopting even healthier habits. Choose one thing to start implementing today and ease into this new lifestyle change for a healthier you.
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
I’ve been on a healthy pathway for a long time and one critical thing I found is the necessity to eliminate sugar and simple carbs. It will be a struggle at the first. There actually get to be little “critters” in our intestines that demand more sugar and they need to be starved out. The idea of taking probiotics is along this line…to improve the gut flora. I can tell you though that if you get past sugar cravings, the time comes when you truly don’t crave sugar and more and it becomes easier to walk a healthier pathway. Cleanse. Detox. Nourish. Basic principles.