Celebrating Life’s Little (Or Big) Achievements

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When you have a child you don’t expect the intensity of love that you feel, or the pride you feel filling you up when they achieve something, no matter how small. Celebrating and capturing these moments can make you relive the pride, the love, the happiness that arose when they occurred the first time around.

Displaying Photos Around The House

Having photos of your loved ones, and of happy memories from the time you went to the beach and you caught a crab with your over-excited little one, means that you’re more likely to remember the feelings that you had.

This is also true of letting others know about your happy moments. Baby Thank You Cards at https://www.littleoneprints.co.uk/ allow you to say thank you to your child’s loved ones for the celebration of their birth, for their birthday presents, for attendance at their christening, or just for a nice day out. These can easily be displayed around the house to remind you and also other loved ones such as the child’s grandparents or uncles and aunties of the happy times they shared.

Write About Them

Whether you blog, write a diary, or just write down one sentence on a napkin you found in your handbag, capturing what you experienced in your own words is invaluable. Not least because you can revisit it and remember the good times, it means that others can too (unless it’s your diary then they’d have to be super sneaky about it). You don’t have to write everything down, even just one line about what was good that day or what your little boy or girl did that made you smile, could really lift your spirits on a day that seems tough.

Capture It On Video

You may have read recently about the artist from Brooklyn who managed to save up enough to quit his job and travel for a year. During this year he filmed just one second of everyday, and during this has realised that he will do it for the rest of his life. This chronicle of his life has brought him self-reflection and a new perspective. You could film your child’s achievements, and then one day they’ll be able to watch it with pride too.

Sharing is caring!

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