4 Ways to Protect Your Child – i.e., if they were injured at birth

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Every parent wants to protect their child and keep them healthy, happy, and secure. Sadly, situations can happen outside of your control and threaten the safety of your child. That being said, there are many ways to protect your child in various situations, i.e., if they were injured at birth. Here are some common situations where you might need to protect your child. 

1. They were injured at birth

No parent wants to imagine their child being injured during birth. Although uncommon, birth injuries happen, and there are an estimated 28,000 birth injuries in the US every year. Sadly, many of these could have been prevented, and common injuries include fractures, spinal cord injuries, and cerebral palsy. A birth injury can have serious long-term health consequences and result in ongoing medical treatment. If you believe that your child sustained a birth injury due to medical negligence, then you should contact birth injury lawyers for expert advice straightaway.

In most cases, you can bring a compensation claim against the medical professional of the facility. This money can be used to pay for necessary medical treatment and improve your child’s quality of life. Take a look at a good article on birth injury attorneys for more advice on the process of bringing a medical malpractice claim on behalf of your child. 

2. They are bullied online 

Modern technology and the internet have brought about several benefits, including improved learning opportunities and entertainment. However, it has also put people (especially children) at risk. Sadly, many children are affected by cyber threats like online bullying. Luckily, you can take some simple steps to help protect your children online: 

  • Follow your kids’ social media accounts to check that they aren’t posting inappropriate material or being subjected to threatening behavior or bullying. 
  • Ask your children to come to you if they even feel anxious or threatened by something online. Make your children aware of online risks like grooming and bullying. 
  • Install parental filters to help keep children safe by preventing them from accessing inappropriate sites or material online. 

3. They are approached by a stranger 

All parents should teach their kids about stranger danger and educate them on how to stay safe while out and about. According to parentmap.com, you should teach your kids about common methods for luring, such as bribes with sweets, asking for help, or offers of lifts, etc. This will help your kids identify a potentially dangerous situation. You should also make sure that your children know their full address and your contact number in case they ever get lost or need help. 

4. They develop an eating disorder

Sadly, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa are fairly common in children and adolescents. An eating disorder can cause serious long-term health issues and prove fatal if left untreated. Eating disorders often start in childhood, so you must seek professional advice and treatment if you believe that your child is suffering from an eating disorder. There are plenty of resources offering advice on how to spot eating disorders in children.

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