5 Easy No Make-Up Beauty Tips for Busy Moms

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While being a mom might be the best thing you ever did, it certainly doesn’t leave a lot of time for you to pamper yourself as much as you used to. This doesn’t mean you have to feel like you’ve lost yourself, though, or that you’re not still the same beautiful, vibrant woman you were before you had kids. You might not have much time to put on your make-up in the morning, but here are five easy beauty tips that will make you glow without it.

  1. Moisturize

The golden rule of glowing skin is moisturizing. Your skin goes through so much in the day, and soothing it by moisturizing twice a day is a good way to keep it supple and smooth. Apply your moisturizing cream to your face, neck, and any other parts where your skin might feel dry after you shower/wash your face each morning, and once again before you go to bed. You should also invest in quality soaps to give your skin an extra boost, like goat soap. It’s made from goat’s milk, shea butter, cocoa butter, and other natural ingredients that are incredibly nourishing for your skin. 

  1. Hydrate

Another way to make sure your skin (and the rest of your body) stays in great shape is by staying hydrated. Avoid gulping down sugary drinks and swap them out for water or herbal teas. Coffee is OK, but too much caffeine isn’t good for you, so make sure you’re not overdoing it. Try to consume 6-8 glasses of water a day, as this is the recommended amount. Not only will your skin benefit from this, but you’ll feel more energized throughout the day, too.

  1. Dry Shampoo

One thing you might struggle to do as regularly as you’d like as a mom is simply washing your hair. Whether your preoccupied with something or you’re too exhausted to shower by the times the kids are in bed; sometimes it can be days before your hair gets a good clean. To help you feel better in-between washes and keep your hair looking fresher, invest in some dry shampoo. You can leave it at home or keep some in your bag to use when you’re on the go. 

  1. Invest in Eye Cream

Tired eyes are to be expected when you’re a hardworking mom, but their appearance can be reduced by investing in some good quality eye cream. It will help to reduce the redness and puffiness around your eyes and help you feel a little more refreshed. You can also carry this in your purse to apply as and when you need to. 

  1. Eat Well

Finally, make sure you’re eating a balanced and nutritious diet as best you can. It’s easy to grab something quick and go when you’re juggling so much as a parent, but your body needs to be taken care of as well. This will take care of your physical health while giving you a natural, healthy glow.

You shouldn’t have to apply make-up to feel beautiful, for busy moms or other people looking for easy, make-up free beauty tips, use the above to feel good all the time.

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