Injuries Diagnosis at Sports Injury Clinic Singapore

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For most athletes, sports is a livelihood and to get the best out of it; you must find smart ways to stay fit when in or not in action. A sports injury is just one of the few setbacks that could prevent you from hitting your real potential.

Fortunately, for you, several sports injury clinics can always help you get back stronger. When it comes to treating sports injury, Singapore has many times recorded a high number of athletes coming in to seek treatment. Most probably, this is due to the fact that Singapore is among the world’s most competitive economies, knocking off the U.S off its perch in the process. 

How Sports Injury Clinics Diagnose Injuries

Let’s face it. The recovery process from a sports injury isn’t anybody’s piece of cake. Depending on how severe your injury is, it may take you weeks, months, and in extreme cases, more than one year before you can get back into action.

A timely and accurate diagnosis is the foundation of positive health results. This is relatable considering that it will ensure that your doctor’s clinical decision is tailored to a precise understanding of the extent of your sports injury. 

When you visit a sports injury clinic in Singapore, your orthopedist or physician will be tasked with diagnosing the type and possible cause of the injury. During the diagnosis, the practitioner will ask you a few questions relating to the injury.

For example, they will inquire about your medical history and a brief on how you sustained the injury. You will then undergo a physical examination where the practitioner will palpate the injury point, inquiring about the magnitude of the pain.

They will also ask you to try moving the injured point in certain directions so they can evaluate your range of motion. Depending on the pain magnitude and your range of motion, the doctor may perform an X-ray so they can exclude specific injuries that may also have similar symptoms like broken bones.

Here’s the catch; X-rays can help detect some broken bone injuries on the first screening. However, there are a few fractures, for example, a hairline fracture on your foot that the X-ray may not catch outright.

To ensure accurate diagnosis and to detect even the soft tissue damages, your general practitioner or orthopedist may perform extra diagnostic imaging tests. Ideally, you may undergo the additional tests on your first visit to the facility. Alternatively, they may be recommended if, after the initial treatment, your condition doesn’t improve.

Here’s a summary of the extra diagnostic imaging tests your doctor may recommend.

Ultrasound Scans

The ultrasound scans utilize high-frequency sound waves to help in capturing the real-time impressions of superficial soft tissues. When diagnosing injuries, ultrasound scans are majorly used for checking for or assessing the extent of tendon damage.

When doing an ultrasound test, your radiologist will direct that you move the affected joint in some directions so they can see the effects of motion on the tendon. There are, however, a few instances when ultrasound may not be recommendable.

For instance, your doctor will not use ultrasound if;

There is an exposed neural tissue

They suspect or know that there is a risk of hemorrhage

You suffer from cancerous or malignant tissue

The injury is around your gonad regions

If they suspect that the discomfort could be due to bone fracture

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is another popular diagnostic imaging test that a good sports injury clinic may use. It makes use of powerful radio waves, a computer and magnets to take detailed impressions of structures and organs in your body.

In sports injury diagnosis, MRIs are preferable if the technician wants a detailed look into your nerves, musculoskeletal structures, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It may also be used to image head injuries you could have sustained during your sporting activities.

Computed Tomography Scans (CT)

CT scans leverage the power of a computer and X-rays in creating detailed images of your bones, organs and tissues that may be affected by injuries sustained during sports. It is also pivotal in helping the doctors get a clear view of the inside of your body.

It is mainly preferred for use in sports injury clinics in Singapore because of the efficiency at which it highlights subtle irregularities and hairline fractures in complex joints.

Book a Diagnosis at a Reputed Sports Injury Clinic in Singapore

We treat athletes with different kinds of sports injury problems that may range from the ankle sprains to the adult degenerative sciatica, among others. Our work is heralded by many athletes who have seen first-hand, the professional approaches we adopt when treating sports injuries. Therefore, there’s no doubt you’ll also be excited about your progress during your recovery period.

We believe that accurate diagnosis is the lynchpin of healthy recovery and we use our best technologies and skills to help you get back into the game stronger. Drop us a line now, and we will schedule your appointment in no time.

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