How to Care for a Panther Chameleon in Your Home

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Blessed with vibrant color morphs, the panther chameleon makes for a desirable exotic pet. It is a territorial animal and should be kept alone on its own. Too much handling can also give it stress. So, you should let it stay alone in its abode. A healthy and happy chameleon can live between 3 to 10 years. Males are larger than the female, and the maximum length a panther chameleon can reach is 21 inches. 

How to Care for a Panther Chameleon in Your Home?

  • Housing 

Panther chameleon is a climber, so you must not put it in a glass tank or container.  Go for a vertical enclosure that will allow it to climb. The higher you will go, the better it would be for your chameleon. A 16

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